2015-10-28 02.44.33 - localbusinessguiderevised2
FALL - WINTER 2015 27
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Golf P ro 750 0 ~\' 1 ()nt i c e l\ o D ri v e . Villa R i ca , Gt'orgia 30 1 8 0
SANDRA MORRIS Grant Writer • Thirty Years Experience
Grant $$$$$ For YOU Research and grant writing for Non-Profit Groups and Government Agencies. Phone 678-378-0985 • sandraamorris4590@gmail.com
JESUS SAVES “From the Gutter Most to the Utter Most” TIPPENS GUTTER SERVICE 4037 Hwy. 5 • Douglasville, GA 30135 (770) 942-2002 www.tippensgutters.com email: jtippens@tippensgutters.com Proud to serve you for 46 years and proud to be an American! Serving all of Metro Atlanta and West Georgia
HANDRAILS HARDWARE 1-800-321-4414 FREE ESTIMATES Serving West Georgia Since April 1950 401 S. Noble St Anniston, AL DON’T FALL Keep Your Balance with Ornamental Iron Handrails Custom made for your home or business Eugene L. Evans Mfg. Co.
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