2015-10-28 02.44.33 - localbusinessguiderevised2
FALL - WINTER 2015 33
www.holidayinnexpress.com/atlantawest Devan Smith- Sales Manager • 770-920-9228 7101 Concorse Pkwy. • Douglasville
Plant 1 102Automation Drive Carrollton, GA 30117 770-836-1042 www.1dietech.com
Plant II 260 Brumbelow Road Carrollton, GA 30117 770-834-3702
Get a quote today from: Michelle Allen Michelle Allen Agency (770)841-5060 allenm48@nationwide.com www.nationwide.com/michelleallen is personal. Your protection
Auto. Home. Life. Business.
Products underwritten byNationwideMutualCompany andAffiliatedCompanies,Columbus,Ohio.Subject to underwriting guidelines, review and approval.Nationwide and the NationwideN and Eagle are servicemarks ofNationwideMutual InsuranceCompany.NPO-0194M1.1 (09/14)
B Barnett & Associates, Inc. Health & Life Insurance Specialist 331 B ANKHEAD H WY , C ARROLLTON , GA 30117 C ARROLLTON 770.834.5004 V ILLA R ICA 770.459.0003 T OLL F REE 1.855.459.6789 F AX 678.601.1620 E MAIL CLIENTSERVICE @ BARNETT - INS . COM WWW . BARNETT - INS . COM
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