2016SouthPauldingBook_REVISED FINAL
9TH GRADE COACH - DONALD CLARK Coach Clark a long time middle school coach
moves to us this year as a 9th grade assistant and psychol- ogy teacher. AWest Georgia grad in Broad Field Social Science coach Clark will be working primarily with the Offensive and Defensive lines. Don and his wife Mari have two children Callie age 15 and Elijah age 6. His ambition in coaching and teaching is to help young people become better in all they do. A high level of expectation will take the field with
Coach Clark as he quotes Yoda “ Do or Do not there is no try” Coach Koester ands “ It is great to add Coach Clark to our 9th grade staff giving that group great experience and knowledge of the game” 9TH GRADE COACH - GREG LASALLE
Greg LaSalle’s dreamof becoming a high school coach gets a kick start this year as he re- turns to his alma mater to work with the 9th grade. Greg was an impressive student of the game while playing for Coach Koester and the Spartans. He is currently attending Chatta- hoochee Tech as he advances toward the crazy world of coaching. He brings a great love for the game and a desire to help young players develop. Greg quotes his father in that “The game is 5% physical and 95%mental; youmust have a top dogmentality”. “We are happy Greg is part of our program as he develops his craft as a coach, he will benefit from a staff of wonderful role models” says Coach Koester. SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO DEFENSE - TIMMITCHELL Entering his 5th season with the Spartans Coach Mitchell will take on a new role as special assistant to defense. Timhaving coached for 12 years with all age groups will be busy with his Saturday’s watching Dawson Mitchell last year’s Defensive Player of the Year start his collegiate career at Reinhardt. The Mitchell’s meaning Joy and Katie are ardent Spartan fans and have provided tremendous support for many years. This year Timwill help orga- nize and offer an extra set of eyes to the defense. Timhas often offered to the Spartans an insight of “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. “We are blessed to con- tinue our programwith TimMitchell on board, his desire to see youngmen grow and devel- op while learning lessons far beyond X’s and O’s is a benefit to us all” Says Coach Koester. SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE HEAD COACH - KYLE KOESTER Kyle having stood on the sidelines with his dad since age 5 is probably best equipped to handle the sharp voice of the head coach and communicate to others in a more diplomat- ic way. Kyle’s coaching career started when trying to teach his mom the finer aspects of playing catch; this grew quickly when in high school he was apt to steel to opponent’s signals and convey the next play to his teammates. Kyle holds a Juris Doctorate from Cooley Law School and runs a small law firm inWoodstock. Kyle and his wife Natalie have 3 daughters Evelyn 8, Elouise 5, and Emery 2. Calling himself the ‘Get Back” coach Kyle offers advice to players in how to stay in the game and has built a strong following of CAN FANS which bring noise unsurpassed to opposing teams. His value to the team is as tre-
mendous as his desire to serve young kids and teach them to pull for each other. He quotes Martha Graham “No one ever raised a statue to a critic” His dad says “Kyle has forever known what’s best in school, play, life and family; there is great pride to have a son stand with you on Friday night”. ASSISTANT OFFENSIVE LINE COACH - TYLER HOLCOMB
Tyler is an assistant offensive line coach with great promise. Tyler is entering his second stint as a Spartan Coach having served previously as a 9th grade assistant. Tyler currently working on his undergrad degree at Kennesaw State was a offensive line stand out for the Coach Glanton coached Spartans. Tyler having played in the initial year of football at Rein- hardt changedmajors and schools now attending KSU. With a season as the offensive line coach at an Atlanta prep school Tyler works alongside CoachWilliams developing the OL for SPHS. Coach Koester remarks: “Tyler has the insights for a young coach that will lead him into a productive role on any staff. We’re excited to have himbe a part of our staff.”
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