2016SouthPauldingBook_REVISED FINAL
Welcome to South Paulding High School, Home of the Spartans and the 2016-17 school year. The student/athletes at South Paulding along with the coaches, directors and boosters have worked extremely hard to prepare for their respective season and competitions, and we are very proud of them. South Paulding High School has many wonderful sponsors who have given financial contributions and without their sponsorships SPHS would not be able to provide for their athletes in a first class manner. Please make sure you thank and patron the sponsors of SPHS and those who make it possible for South Paulding to run their athletic programs. I do hope you enjoy the game tonight and ask that you support your team and their efforts. I also ask that you refrain from using poor sportsmanship in any manner toward the players, coaches and officials. South Paulding High School along with the Paulding County School District and Georgia High School Association request that you display good sportsmanship at all times. It is our goal to have a very positive environment where competition and effort is the focus. Thank You for your support
Don Breedlove Athletic Director Paulding County School District
Christopher S. Moore LTC (Ret), US Army South Paulding High School Senior Army Instructor 770-949-9221 Ext: 40013
Kenneth Parks 1SG (Ret), US Army South Paulding High School Army Instructor 770-949-9221 Ext: 40013
Cadet Major Tara Hudgins, Cadet Captain Mya Walker, Cadet Sergeant Katelyn Walters Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Jadylan Martin, Cadet Captain Christopher McGhee, Cadet Sergeant Aaron Bowman, Cadet Sergeant Hope Alvarado, Cadet Private Kai Vinning
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