Excellence in Tax Matters Andrews-Drummond Group, P.C. Certified Public Accountants
Chris Mullennix
Stacey Eddy, CPA
Tina Drummond, CPA
Janet Ratliff
Donna Robinson, CPA
Sherie Williams
Experience, Trust, Courtesy Since the 1990’s we have been providing the highest quality account- ing, tax, consulting and specialty services to a variety of businesses, organizations and individuals. We strive to develop an intimate knowledge of our clients’ businesses and tax issues which impact their success.
• Income tax preparation for individuals, partnerships, LLC’s, corporations, S Corps, estates, trusts & non-profits. • Payroll: quarterly payroll reports, W-2’s, 1099’s, Georgia Department of Labor compliance, audits, federal & state electronic reporting and payments • Free E-filing with all prepared returns • Financial statement preparation • Quickbooks assistance • IRS Representation • Sales tax
Call us today
Think you can’t afford a CPA firm? Call 770-445-7570 or 770-505-0370. 110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 605, Dallas, GA 30157 Visit our website at: www.anddrum.com
770-445-7570 • 770-505-0370 • www.anddrum.com
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