AGA OUT AND ABOUT It's been a busy time for the Alabama Grocers Association. AGA members participating in the Food Marketing Institute's annual Day in Washington Fly-in on Capitol Hill. Congratulations to AGA President Ellie Taylor for being named the 2017 FMI Donald H. MacManus Award recipient. Taylor was recognized for her outstanding leadership and dedication to the grocery industry.
Ellie Taylor, AGA, with U.S. Representative Gary Palmer.
Leslie Sarasin, FMI President and CEO, presenting Ellie Taylor, AGA President, with the 2017 Donald H. MacManus Award.
Jessica Brown, AGA, and David Warren, Western Markets, at a March Buy Alabama's Best Sampling Event.
Bob Taylor, Red Diamond; Jessica Brown, AGA; Larry Garrett, Vietti, at the Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Spring Show.
Wade Payne, Food Giant; Bob Crawford, United Johnson Brothers; Pat McWhorter, The McWhorter Group, Ellie Taylor, AGA, visiting Washington, DC, to lobby on behalf of our members on important issues.
AGA staff and volunteers working registration at the Spring Golf Event.
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