“AS far as healthcarE goes, it remains to be seen if president trump can push through this important legislation through the U.S. Senate.”
Spending Accounts and will increase the annual HAS contribution limit to equal the out-of-pocket limitation for higher deductible plans as well as repealing the annual limitation on an individual’s contributions to an FSA. It also eliminates the limitation that a health FSA, HRA or HAS could only reimburse over-the-counter medications if prescribed by a physician. It will further delay the 40 percent Cadillac Plan Tax on high-cost employer-sponsored health coverage until January 1, 2026, and repeal the ACA’s income-based premium tax credits and replace them with age-based,
refundable tax credits for individuals and families who do not receive insurance through work or a government program to use for the purchase of insurance. We will continue to watch this legislation as it unfolds in Washington and advocate for the grocery industry. On a personal note, during our Washington trip, I received the Donald H. MacManus Award for leadership and dedication to the grocery industry from the Food Marketing Institute. It was a tremendous honor and I was very humbled to receive it.
As I said in my comments, we as an Association could not do what we do on the state and federal levels without the hard work of members. From testifying in Committee to calling your local representatives to supporting our fundraisers, it is our members that make what we do possible. I consider this award an Association award that gives national recognition to the great work all of us do on behalf of our industry in Alabama. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President.
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