2021-2022 THE Official THS Student Handbook
STUDENT SAFETY Temple High School seeks to provide students with a safe environment. Any condition that could jeopardize one’s safety should be reported to a school official. Accidents occurring on school property are to be reported immediately to the office. An accident report will be completed by a staff member to document the incident or injury. The school nurse and a parent will be contacted immediately in the event of an accident. STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM The Student Support Team is a step on the Pyramid of Intervention and is designed to offer students and parents support when a student is having instructional difficulty in the classroom. This group offers suggestions as to possible alternatives that might help make the student successful. The team also evaluates the need for further interventions. TARDIES TO CLASS For the purpose of this tardy policy, a tardy is defined as a student who is not inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings. The students may be counted absent from the class or classes missed if they are not present for the entire class period. Tardies at the high school level shall be handled as discipline issues.
Unexcused tardies will accumulate per SEMESTER for DISCIPLINARY action. Consequences*: 1. 1-3 Tardy - Warning 2. 4-5 Tardy - Lunch Detention 3. 6-7 Tardy - 1 Day In-School Suspension 4. 8-9 Tardy - 2 Days In-School Suspension 5. 10 +Tardy - 3 Days In-School Suspension plus Saturday School *Refer to Parking Privileges Contract for additional consequences for student drivers. TECHNOLOGY
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT ) – The use of technology to provide educational material is not a necessity, but a privilege. A student, during designated times, has the right to use his or her laptop, cell phone, or other electronic device while at school. When abused, privileges will be taken away. When respected, they will benefit the learning environment as a whole. The following are some of the expectations regarding cell phone use at Temple High School. 1. Students may use cell phones or other personally owned devices only upon receipt of a Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Student Use Agreement signed by both the student and a parent/guardian. 2. Cell phones must remain on silent (not vibrate) at all times anywhere on school grounds or buses. 3. While on school property, all electronic devices will be required to use the Wi-Fi network provided by the school. Students will not be permitted to use their cellular data network (e.g. 3G, 4G) during school hours. 4. NO cell phones are permitted during class unless the teacher gives permission. Violation will result in confiscation. 5. Students may not borrow or use devices that belong to another student. 6. Violation of the BYOT use agreement or student discipline policy that results in an administrator’s removal of a student’s personal electronic device privileges may not be appealed. 7. Earbuds and headphones are not permitted during instructional time without teacher permission. Violation will result in confiscation. If parents need to get in touch with a student, they may call and leave a message for the student in the front office. Office phones are also available for student use in the event of an emergency or illness.
The following procedure will be used for violations of the BYOT agreement:
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