2021-2022 THE Official THS Student Handbook

Students are highly encouraged to keep up with their textbooks to avoid having to pay for their replacement. The school system must be reimbursed for lost or damaged textbooks. (Seniors will not be able to receive their diploma until all fees are paid.) The Carroll County Board of Education provides the materials necessary for the instructional programs in our schools. However, students are expected to provide the usual paper, pencils and other disposable supplies.

TORNADO DRILLS During tornado drills or in the event a tornado strikes, students will follow this procedure 1. Remain as quiet as possible. 2. Be alert to instructions given by the teacher. 3. Move to the hallway immediately when told. 4. Drop to the knees with your back to the wall and knees together. 5. Bury face and arms protecting the head; close eyes tightly 6. Stay in the designated area until directed to leave. Further Instruction will depend upon circumstances and damage to the building.

Vaping Vaping is leading to many medical emergencies nationwide due to the students’ ability to use illegal and unknown substances in the vapes. In addition to the potential health risks, it is now illegal for students under the age of 21 to use/possess vaping devices or to purchase vaping materials. Please be aware that vaping or possessing vaping devices and/or paraphernalia will result in the following consequences at Temple High School:

1 st Offense – up to 5 days OSS 2 nd Offense – up to 10 days OSS 3 rd Offense – Tribunal – recommendation for long term suspension or expulsion

Please refer to the District Student Handbook Insert page D25 for Vaping Devices

VISITORS Temple High School encourages parental involvement and asks that anyone wishing to visit the school contact the principal to make arrangements. This procedure ensures that classroom activities are not interrupted and the safety of the students and staff is guaranteed. All visitors and parents are required to report to the front office for a visitor's permit before going into the building or any part of the campus . Students from other schools may not visit THS without prior approval from the principal.

Please refer to the District Student Handbook Insert page D29 for Visitors to School

WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL All student withdrawals will be handled through the guidance and counseling office. All textbooks must be returned and fees must be paid before withdrawal.

The school system is authorized to withdraw a student for the following reasons when the student:

Has missed more than 10 consecutive days of unexcused absences:

● ●

Is not subject to compulsory school attendance; and

● Is not receiving services from the local school system through homebound instruction or instructional services required by the federal Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


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