I am loving watching you turn into such an amazing young woman. I am in constant awe of how beauti ful, smart and funny you are. I’m so
very proud of you. Love you!! – Jillian
You may be my mini- me, but you’re the confident, smart, amazing young woman I aspire to be. Your drive and determination are inspirational. I’m so proud to call you my sister and my friend. – Sarah You have become a beautiful young lady, although still slightly annoying:) It ’ s been astonishing watch ing you change over the years into the person you are today. Live it up but don ’ t do anything that you think you might regret. Love you little sis. You are going to make a great pedestrian! - Allan
Sometimes, it’s pretty nice having you as my sister. Sometimes you annoy me. Make smart choices. Follow
your path -Matthew
Emily, I have watched you grow into the beau tiful, smart, loving young lady that you are today and I can’t wait to see how God blesses your future. I am always and forever here for you. Love - Doons
My favorite Georgia Peach, you are a smart, talented, beautiful, young lady and you can achieve anything that you set your sights on! Believe in yourself and the future is yours. Love you, - Steav
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