
Southern University: Orange Beach, AL. January 2012

NAME/RANK: Martin Darrell Smith, Sergeant Major, United States Army mdsmith@Paulding.k12.ga.us PERSONAL: Sergeant Major Smith is from Milton, FL. He began his military career in December 1987 after graduating from Milton High School and attending basic training and advance individual training for 62F crane operator. SGM Smith has been married to the former Sandra D Lamons for 31 years. To gether they have two daughters, Brit tany, and Constance. Since retirement from active duty in November 2019, SGM Smith is presently serving as the Army Instructor for the South Pauld ing High School Spartan Battalion. His hobbies include fishing and all sports.

MILITARY EDUCATION: Basic Combat Training December 1987 Crane Operator (AIT) February 1988 Warrior Leaders Course August 1991 62N BNCOC March 1992 Air Assault September 1992 EO Leaders February 1993 Army Recruiter Course May 1994 Station Commander Course February 1998 79R ANCOC September 2001 Basic Instructor Training July 2002 1SG Course August 2005 Guidance Counselor Course V7 2009

Master Resilient Course 2016 Sergeant Major Academy 2016


CIVILIAN EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science Business Administration from Columbia

AWARDS AND DECORATIONS: Legion of Merit, Meritorious Medal (5 OLC), Army Com mendation Medal (2OLC), Army Achievement Medal (5 OLC), Army Good Conduct Medal (10th award), National Defense Medal, South west Asia Medal (3 Stars), Global War on Terrorism Service Ribbon, Noncommission Offi cer Professional Development Ribbon (5), Army Service Ribbon, Over Seas Ribbon, SAKULIBM, and KUKULIMB, Gold Recruiter Badge, Drivers Badge, Army Superior Unit Award. DEPLOYMENTS: Desert Shield, Desert Storm. 7th Corpe, 2nd Cascom, 496th Supply Co. December 90 – May 1991

MILITARY ASSIGNMENTS: Crane Operator, 496th Supply Company Stuttgart, GE Crane Operator, A CO. 46th EN BN, FT Rucker, AL Field Recruiter, Huntsville AL, USARB, Montgomery, AL OP Station Commander, Crestview, FL USARB Montgomery, AL LP Station Commander, Mobile AL, USARB Montgomery, AL SR INSTR/WTR, Recruiting and Retention School, FT Jackson, SC Division Chief, Recruiting and Retention School, FT Jackson, SC First Sergeant, Valdosta Co, USARB, Jacksonville, FL SR TNG NCO, USARB, Jacksonville, FL SR Guidance Counselor, USARB, Jacksonville, FL SR Operation NCO, USARB, Jacksonville, FL Sergeant Major Academy, EL Paso, TX Operation Sergeant Major, USARB Richmond, VA 79R Proponent Sergeant Major, Recruiting &Retention College, FT Knox, KY

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