2024-2025 BUILD Conference Guide (1)

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Conference Agenda Session Details Quick Links Contact Information

Chief Academic Officer’s Welcome

Paulding Leaders,

Decades of educational research have identified effective school leadership as a critical factor in improving student academic outcomes. Last year, we asked leaders to intentionally BUILD their capacity for instructional leadership by consistently engaging in the work of school and instructional improvement. We are pleased to report that, after just one year, the 2024 Hanover Climate Survey indicated a 6% increase in teachers' perceptions that Paulding principals are instructional leaders in their schools. Kudos to those who took on Linda Cliatt-Wayman's "So What? Now What?" challenge to lead fearlessly and love hard as your school's instructional leader! John Hattie's (2023) newest meta-analysis, Visible Learning: The Sequel , reaffirms that quality school leadership significantly impacts student learning (0.46 effect size). High-impact leaders "place more attention on the collective power of all, focusing on the impact of teaching, leading, and learning on the students and creating safe, inviting, and fair environments and structures for all (teachers, staff, and students) to succeed" (p. 173). Dr. Manny Scott echoed this message in his keynote speech, encouraging us to realize the Power of One. Dr. Scott described how a single high-impact leader (or educator) can change students' educational experiences and life trajectories. High-impact leaders are "highly attuned to the notion of equity as enabling all students to gain at least one year's growth for a year's input…and removing the predictability of success or failure that currently correlates to any social or cultural factor" (Hattie, 2023, p. 174). Are you a high-impact leader? Were you the instructional leader you wanted to be last year? Did your leadership influence and actions positively affect the students, staff, and school community you serve? Most importantly, how will you measure your leadership impact this school year? The PCSD Teaching and Learning Division is committed to partnering with and supporting school leaders and teachers in achieving our collective goals. It's our combined efforts that will help us cultivate a culture of high-impact, instructional leadership that empowers our teachers, engages all students, and achieves equitable outcomes. Thank you for your dedication to our students and your leadership in the Paulding County School District. I look forward to our continued partnership and encourage you to reach out to T&L at any time.


Tiffany L. Frachiseur Chief Academic Officer Paulding County School District

Teaching & Learning Strategic Goal Areas

Growth and Success for ALL

Innovative Practices and Resource Implementation

Develop and advance resources to inspire a culture of innovation

Improve student academic growth and achievement

Improve performance of student subgroups

Build staff efficacy to impact innovative practices

Implement innovative programs and practices to engage ALL students

Improve student college, career, and life readiness

Paulding County School District Graduate Profile


Teaching and Learning Contacts..................................................... 1 BUILD Conference............................................................................... 3 Keynote Speaker Biography ........................................................... 3 Conference Opening Schedule..................................................... 4 Conference Schedule (Secondary)............................................... 5 Conference Schedule (Elementary) .............................................. 7 Session Abstracts .............................................................................. 9 Session Notes................................................................................... 20 Administrator Meeting Dates........................................................... 31 School District Calendar................................................................... 32


Tiffany Frachiseur

Chief Academic Officer Curriculum Support Specialist

Felicia Baker Marie Burrand

Teaching and Learning Secretary II

Teresa Benefield

Executive Director K-5 Teaching & Learning

Sarah Burger

Director of Curriculum & Student Support

Dr. Kia Harris

Curriculum Coordinator of Academic Supports

Michelle Banta

ES MTSS Support Specialist EIP/REP Lead Teacher ES MTSS Support Specialist MS MTSS Support Specialist ES MTSS Support Specialist MS MTSS Support Specialist

Jodi Benson

Melissa Moody Lynne Patterson Regina Rowland

Karen Slate

Roxanne Stewart

ESOL Coordinator ESOL Lead Teacher

Jessica Wilson

Brandon Chason Genevie Dryden Laura Freeman Kim Freedman Sarah Graham

District Literacy Intervention Specialist – Secondary District Literacy Intervention Specialist – Elementary

K-5 Math Curriculum Coordinator

K-5 ELA Curriculum Coordinator/L4GA Grant K-12 STEM/K-5 Science Curriculum Coordinator

Kim Merrell

District Writing Specialist

Dr. Cynthia Davies

Executive Director of School Improvement and Federal Programs

Dr. Tameka Walker

Director of School Improvement

Tina Sprankel Judy Conklin

Academic Improvement Specialist School Improvement Secretary

Trina Williams

Federal Programs Professional Learning Coordinator

Dr. Karniese Daniel

Director of Title I

Kim Williams

Title I Coordinator Title I Secretary

Vicky Stubblefield

Amy Ames Kristen Cook

Title I Academic Coach Title I Academic Coach Coordinator of Assessment

Dr. Kim Walton

Sarah Tinkle

Assessment Specialist

David Ponder

Coordinator of Data and Accountability

Dr. Keith Rowland

Executive Director 6-12 Teaching & Learning

Dr. Katie Anderson Jenna Barton Lindsay Hodges

K-12 Fine Arts Curriculum Coordinator 6-12 Math Curriculum Coordinator

6-12 ELA/World Language Curriculum Coordinator Gifted and Advanced Programs Curriculum Coordinator

Dr. Irina Keith

Tonya Bradley

Gifted Lead Teacher

Carole Pearson

Assistant Director of CTAE

Monica Rydza

Youth Apprenticeship / Work Based Learning Coordinator

Paula Baker

CTAE Secretary

Meghan Rush Dr. Tracy Sellars

K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator

6-12 Science/K-12 Health & Physical Education Curriculum Coordinator

~ 1 ~

Heather White

Executive Director of Student Services

Leigh Miller

Director of Special Education & Student Services Director of Professional Learning & Instruction

Tiffany Martin

Nicole McVey

ESEP Coordinator (Behavior Support)

Kelli Day

ESEP Coordinator (Special Needs Preschool) ESEP Coordinator (Low Incidence Instruction) ESEP Coordinator (High Incidence Instruction)

Catherine Haney Carmen Hewett Lindsey Young Dr. Sam Sabaka

ESEP Coordinator (Transition)

ESEP Coordinator (Psychological Services, 504, PBIS, & Related Services)

Erica Turner

ESEP Coordinator (ATSI, VI, DHH, & AD PE) ESEP Coordinator (Speech and Compliance)

Stephanie Amos

Kara Klayman Laura Greco

Speech Lead Speech Lead

Tina Bartlett

Private/Homeschool Lead

Sheriann Allen Tara Ridarick

Preschool Lead

Special Projects Lead

Dr. Michelle Bolling

Lead School Psychologist

Traci Davis

SDI Coach SDI Coach

Shea Childers Takina Saxby Dee Dickson Angel Snyder

SDI Coach – ATSI

Transition Specialist Transition Specialist Assistive Technology Assistive Technology Assistive Technology Behavior Specialist Behavior Specialist Behavior Specialist

Amanda Inman

Jessie Mills

Dr. Cecille Bolton

Brian Fraga

Jessica Mosley Ify Ekwenchi

Carla Nelson

Therapeutic Counselor

Yesenia Alvarez

Parent Mentor

Becky Wilson Holly Bonds Cindy Cline

ESEP Specialist ESEP Secretary ESEP Secretary

Susan Haverly-Seagle

ESEP Records Clerk

For the most up-to-date phone extension information, please visit: fortivoice.paulding.k12.ga.us/voice/Voice.html#/directory

~ 2 ~


Keynote Speaker Biography

~ 3 ~

Conference Opening Schedule Monday, July 15, 2024

Breakfast Sponsored by Fellowship of Christian Athletes of Paulding County (SPHS Cafeteria)

7:15 - 8:00

Keynote Dr. Manny Scott (SPHS Auditorium)

8:00 - 9:00

Meet & Greet with Keynote Speaker Dr. Manny Scott (SPHS Cafeteria)

9:00 - 9:30

Secondary Travel to DWIC for Concurrent Sessions

9:30 - 9:50

Elementary Return to Schools

~ 4 ~

Conference Schedule (Secondary) Monday, July 15, 2024










Travel from SPHS for Concurrent Sessions (DWIC)

9:30 - 9:50

Building Potential: High-Leverage Practices (HLPs) for Supporting Early Intervention and Remedial Students Bridging the Gap: Building Tools and Strategies for Identifying Early Warning Signals to Enhance Student Achievement and Whole Child Development

Building & Empowering Your Team: Alignment, Strategy, Accountability

Empowering Parents: Effective ESOL Parent Engagement Strategies

Navigating Instructional and Conceptual Shifts in Georgia's New ELA Standards

Utilizing CTAE Grant funding to Prepare Students for College and Career Success

Building Mathematical Thinkers:

Specially Designed Instruction from a Leadership Lens

9:55 - 10:40

One L.O.V.E.

Facilitating vs. Leading

Cultivating a Collaborative

Maximizing Minga: Harnessing One Platform for Data Driven Decision Making at the Secondary Level

Access Denied: Breaking Barriers to Rigor and Honors Success in Grades 6-12

Navigating Instructional and Conceptual Shifts in Georgia's New ELA Standards

Roadmap to Literacy Success: Navigating

Building Mathematical Thinkers:

Culture from Day One: Using Your DIRT to Enrich the SOIL

10:45 - 11:30

One L.O.V.E.

Interventions for Students

Facilitating vs. Leading

Lunch (Room 200)

11:35 - 12:35

~ 5 ~

Conference Schedule (Secondary) continued Monday, July 15, 2024










Transforming Success for EL Populations: One School's Innovative

Advancing Literacy Leadership: Supporting a Singular Routine for Disciplinary and Content Literacy Schoolwide Climbing to Peak Engagement: The Role of High-Quality Instructional Materials in English Language Arts Climbing to Peak Engagement: The Role of High Quality Instructional Materials in English Language Arts

3D Science: Using Phenomena to Teach the GSE Instructional Framework with Future-Ready Skills Today

Building & Empowering Your Team: Alignment, Strategy, Accountability

Access Denied: Breaking Barriers to Rigor and Honors Success in Grades 6-12

Power Pairs: Partners in Progress, Principals & Coaches Unite

Roadmap to Literacy Success: Navigating

How to Use DRC Beacon to Inform Instruction and Planning

12:40 - 1:25

Interventions for Students

Approach to Enhancing EL Learning Outcomes Harnessing the Power of Continuous Improvement: Utilizing Just-Right Data for Year Round Student Success Harnessing the Power of Continuous Improvement: Utilizing Just-Right Data for Year Round Student Success

Building Your Building: Inclusive Leadership Renovations & Real Estate

From Engaged Students to Future Ready Graduates:

Galvanize: Leadership to Strengthen Writing Instruction

Time for an Inspection! Using Data to Inform Instruction

How to Use DRC Beacon to Inform Instruction and Planning

Building an MTSS Mindset in Paulding County Schools

1:30 - 2:15

The Power of Project Based Learning

Data-Driven Decision Making for Inclusive Literacy: Paulding County's Success with uPAR and Assistive Technology

From Engaged Students to Future Ready Graduates:

Galvanize: Leadership to Strengthen Writing Instruction

Real and Relevant: Transforming Social Studies for Today's Learners

Time for an Inspection! Using Data to Inform Instruction

Specially Designed Instruction from a Leadership Lens

2:20 - 3:05

The Power of Project Based Learning

Closing (Room 200)

3:10 - 4:00

~ 6 ~

Conference Schedule (Elementary) Tuesday, July 16, 2024









Breakfast (Room 200)

8:00 - 8:30

Opening (Room 200)

8:30 - 9:00

Bridging the Gap: Building Tools and Strategies for Identifying Early Warning Signals to Enhance Student Achievement and Whole Child Development Bridging the Gap: Building Tools and Strategies for Identifying Early Warning Signals to Enhance Student Achievement and Whole Child Development Harnessing the Power of Continuous Improvement: Utilizing Just-Right Data for Year-Round Student Success

Building & Empowering Your Team: Alignment, Strategy, Accountability

Navigating Instructional and Conceptual Shifts in

Building Your Building: Inclusive Leadership Renovations & Real Estate

Building Mathematical Thinkers:

Access Denied: Breaking Barriers to Gifted Talent

Specially Designed Instruction from a Leadership Lens

9:05 - 9:50

Georgia's New ELA Standards

Facilitating vs. Leading

Navigating Instructional and Conceptual Shifts in

Building Mathematical Thinkers:

Roadmap to Literacy Success: Navigating Interventions for Students

Building Your Building: Inclusive Leadership Renovations & Real Estate

How to Use DRC Beacon to Inform Instruction and Planning

Access Denied: Breaking Barriers to Gifted Talent

9:55 - 10:40

Georgia's New ELA Standards

Facilitating vs. Leading

Navigating the Georgia Early Literacy Act (House Bill 538): Essential Insights for School Leaders to Ensure a Successful School Year

Galvanize: Leadership to Strengthen Writing Instruction

Cultivating a Collaborative Culture from Day One: Using Your DIRT to Enrich the SOIL

Building an MTSS Mindset in Paulding County Schools

How to Use DRC Beacon to Inform Instruction and Planning

Literacy in K-5 Social Studies: It’s a Science!

10:45 - 11:30

~ 7 ~

Conference Schedule (Elementary) continued Tuesday, July 16, 2024









Lunch (Room 200)

11:35 - 12:35

Navigating the Georgia Early Literacy Act (House Bill 538): Essential Insights for School Leaders to Ensure a Successful School Year Aligning Daily Bookworms Lessons with State Standards through Clear, Student-Friendly Objectives

Building Potential: High-Leverage Practices (HLPs) for Supporting Early Intervention and Remedial Students

Building & Empowering Your Team: Alignment, Strategy, Accountability

Harnessing the Power of Continuous Improvement: Utilizing Just-Right Data for Year-Round Student Success

From Engaged Students to Future Ready Graduates: The Power of Project Based Learning

Power Pairs: Partners in Progress, Principals & Coaches Unite

Building an MTSS Mindset in Paulding County Schools

12:40 - 1:25

Building Potential: High-Leverage Practices (HLPs) for Supporting Early Intervention and Remedial Students

From Engaged Students to Future Ready Graduates: The Power of Project Based Learning

Roadmap to Literacy Success: Navigating

Time for an Inspection! Using Data to Inform Instruction

Power Pairs: Partners in Progress, Principals & Coaches Unite

1:30 - 2:15

One L.O.V.E.

Interventions for Students

Aligning Daily Bookworms Lessons with State Standards through Clear, Student-Friendly Objectives

Data-Driven Decision Making for Inclusive Literacy: Paulding County's Success with uPAR and Assistive Technology

Galvanize: Leadership to Strengthen Writing Instruction

Empowering Parents: Effective ESOL Parent Engagement Strategies

Time for an Inspection! Using Data to Inform Instruction

Specially Designed Instruction from a Leadership Lens

2:20 - 3:05

One L.O.V.E.

Closing (Room 200)

3:10 - 4:00

~ 8 ~

Session Abstracts

3D Science: Using Phenomena to Teach the GSE Instructional Framework with Future-Ready Skills Today

Educational leaders will explore the Georgia GSE Science Standards through 3D, phenomena based teaching and learning. Participants will dive into a standards-based instructional framework that integrates phenomena with science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. This session aims to equip leaders to better identify best practices in a science classroom.


Dr. Tracy Sellars (6-12 Science/K-12 Health & Physical Education Curriculum Coordinator)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: Secondary

Access Denied: Breaking Barriers to Gifted Talent

Discover assessment options and organizational/scheduling strategies to support and uncover gifted talent. Transform your school's pursuit of excellence by prioritizing increased access to gifted programs.


Dr. Irina Keith (Gifted and Advanced Programs Curriculum Coordinator) Tonya Bradley (Gifted Lead Teacher) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: Elementary

Access Denied: Breaking Barriers to Rigor and Honors Success in Grades 6-12

Elevate rigor, expand honors, and empower students! Learn to foster equity and raise standards for all. Transform your school's approach to excellence.


Dr. Irina Keith (Gifted and Advanced Programs Curriculum Coordinator) Tonya Bradley (Gifted Lead Teacher) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: Secondary

Advancing Literacy Leadership: Supporting a Singular Routine for Disciplinary and Content Literacy Schoolwide Literacy achievement is proven to be an influential factor for academic success in all content areas and lifelong learning. This session aims to equip middle and high school leaders with resources and knowledge to support teachers in the coaching and implementation of comprehension and/or vocabulary routines using research-based strategies from Keys to Literacy. By increasing literacy leadership knowledge of these routines and supporting teachers, educational leaders can expect increases in student engagement, improved academic outcomes, and support for diverse learner needs across all subjects where KTL strategies are used with fidelity. Participants will leave with a comprehensive toolkit of resources and best practices tailored to their unique school contexts. By the end of the session, school leaders will be better prepared to champion literacy initiatives, support their teachers, and ultimately, elevate student achievement through improved literacy instruction.


Lindsay Hodges (6-12 ELA/World Language Curriculum Coordinator) Meghan Rush (K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: Secondary

~ 9 ~

Aligning Daily Bookworms Lessons with State Standards through Clear, Student-Friendly Objectives

In this session, we will emphasize the importance of teachers understanding and teaching the Georgia ELA Standards of Excellence each day, rather than simply following a script without attention to the identified standards of focus. Building on insights from ECTL representatives, we will highlight the need for student-friendly lesson objectives that align with state standards. Attendees will receive sample plans and practical guidance to effectively use the Bookworms curriculum as a tool to meet these standards and enhance literacy instruction.


Kim Freedman (K-5 ELA Curriculum Coordinator/L4GA Grant)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: Elementary

Bridging the Gap: Building Tools and Strategies for Identifying Early Warning Signals to Enhance Student Achievement and Whole Child Development Are you equipped to recognize the early signs that a student may need additional support? This interactive session highlights the importance of identifying early warning signals — academic, behavioral, and emotional indicators that can guide educational leaders in implementing effective, holistic strategies for student support. By the end of this session, participants will gain practical tools and insights to detect these signals, understand their causes, and create environments that foster academic success and nurture the whole child.


Dr. Kia Harris (Curriculum Coordinator of Academic Supports) Roxanne Stewart (ESOL Coordinator) Jodi Benson (EIP/REP Lead Teacher) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Building & Empowering Your Team: Alignment, Strategy, Accountability

In this session, school leaders will gain essential insights and practical tools to effectively evaluate their school-level teams, ensuring alignment with overarching initiatives and plans. Participants will learn strategies to navigate common pitfalls that can undermine success, all while fostering a culture of accountability both for themselves and their teams.


Teresa Benefield (Executive Director K-5 Teaching & Learning) Dr. Keith Rowland (Executive Director 6-12 Teaching & Learning) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

~ 10 ~

Building an MTSS Mindset in Paulding County Schools

Do you have the tools to build an MTSS mindset in your school? Learn how to ensure that all staff are equipped to support and implement an MTSS mindset. We will fill your toolbox with strategies, practices, and resources to know when, why, and how to change tiers of instruction for students. Understand tools available in Paulding County and how to use them in the appropriate situation. With an MTSS mindset, gone are the days of using a hammer when using a screwdriver will suffice!


Michelle Banta (ES MTSS Support Specialist) Melissa Moody (ES MTSS Support Specialist) Regina Rowland (ES MTSS Support Specialist)

Target Audience:

Assistant Principals & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: Elementary

Building an MTSS Mindset in Paulding County Schools

Do you have the tools to build an MTSS mindset in your school? Learn how to ensure that all staff are equipped to support and implement an MTSS mindset. We will fill your toolbox with strategies, practices, and resources to know when, why, and how to change tiers of instruction for students. Understand tools available in Paulding County and how to use them in the appropriate situation. With an MTSS mindset, gone are the days of using a hammer when using a screwdriver will suffice!


Lynne Patterson (MS/HS MTSS Support Specialist) Karen Slate (MS/HS MTSS Support Specialist)

Target Audience:

Assistant Principals & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: Secondary

Building Mathematical Thinkers: Facilitating vs. Leading

Curious about what an ILC lesson entails? Join us for a facilitated session and discover firsthand how teachers lead an ILC lesson. You'll leave with a clear understanding of the dynamic classroom environment created through facilitation.


Laura Freeman (K-5 Math Curriculum Coordinator) Michelle Bjors (6-12 District Math Coach) Terry Haney (NWGA RESA School Improvement Specialist) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: Elementary

Building Mathematical Thinkers: Facilitating vs. Leading

Curious about what an ILC lesson entails? Join us for a facilitated session and discover firsthand how teachers lead an ILC lesson. You'll leave with a clear understanding of the dynamic classroom environment created through facilitation.


Laura Freeman (K-5 Math Curriculum Coordinator) Michelle Bjors (6-12 District Math Coach) Terry Haney (NWGA RESA School Improvement Specialist) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: Secondary

~ 11 ~

Building Potential: High-Leverage Practices (HLPs) for Supporting Early Intervention and Remedial Students

This session will provide an understanding the high-leverage practices (HLPs) in education and their significant impact on student outcomes, particularly in supporting early intervention and remedial students. By examining research findings on the effect sizes of various HLPs, this session elucidates the critical role these practices play in fostering academic growth and success among students who require additional support.


Jodi Benson (EIP/REP Lead Teacher)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Building Your Building: Inclusive Leadership Renovations & Real Estate

In this dynamic 45-minute session, educational leaders will embark on an empowering journey. We’ll delve into influential strategies that ignite inclusivity, amplify engagement, and cultivate a vibrant school culture. By embracing the art of inclusive leadership, participants will unlock the keys to a harmonious environment where every voice matters, and everyone thrives. Let’s create a ripple effect of positive impact!


Tamara Vickers (Director of Diversity and Engagement)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Climbing to Peak Engagement: The Role of High-Quality Instructional Materials in English Language Arts

This session will delve into monitoring PCSD’s implementation of high -quality instructional materials (HQIM) in English Language Arts by exploring their role in enhancing literacy skills, promoting equity, and the ability to engage students in critical thinking. Grounded in recent research and classroom practices, the presentation will highlight key characteristics of the MyPerspectives unit design. Participants will gain insights into how to manage these materials and use assessment data to support differentiated instruction to promote student engagement. By the end of the session, educators will be equipped with actionable knowledge and resources to effectively integrate HQIM into their ELA curriculum, ultimately improving student engagement and fostering a robust literary foundation.


Lindsay Hodges (6-12 ELA/World Language Curriculum Coordinator) Brandon Chason (District Literacy Intervention Specialist-Secondary) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: Secondary

~ 12 ~

Cultivating a Collaborative Culture from Day One: Using Your DIRT to Enrich the SOIL

Participants will collaboratively define a positive school culture and leverage their leadership strengths to brainstorm strategies tailored to their unique settings. They will receive practical ideas and tools to share with the admin team, enabling them to co-develop a campus plan to foster a collaborative culture from the first day of pre-planning.


Brandon Quinn (Social Emotional Learning Specialist)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Data-Driven Decision Making for Inclusive Literacy: Paulding County's Success with uPAR and Assistive Technology Over 50% of students who are reading below grade level can access grade-level text independently with a reading accommodation. Learn how PCSD is using uPAR, along with other Texthelp tools, to support all learners in your school. Enhance MTSS, accessibility, and accountability to improve student outcomes and inclusive learning environments. Empower teachers to help students learn on grade-level and in general education classrooms with their peers using technology.


Dr. Kia Harris (Curriculum Coordinator of Academic Supports) Dave Butler (National Account Director for Texthelp North America) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Empowering Parents: Effective ESOL Parent Engagement Strategies

This professional learning session aims to equip educators, administrators, and support staff with effective strategies to engage parents of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students within the Paulding County School District. Highlighting the successes and experiences of our very own teachers, schools, students, and parents, this session will emphasize collaborative growth to meet the unique needs of our diverse families. Participants will leave with practical tools, including a 6-Step ESOL Parent Engagement Guide and Newcomer Welcome Guides tailored for primary and secondary levels.


Roxanne Stewart (ESOL Coordinator)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

From Engaged Students to Future-Ready Graduates: The Power of Project Based Learning

To prepare future-ready graduates, we need to build a solid foundation of skills that ensure both life readiness and academic success. Join this session to see how project-based learning can bring these vital skills to life for your students. Learn what it looks like and how you can help teachers design engaging learning experiences!


Sarah Graham (K-12 STEM/K-5 Science Curriculum Coordinator)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

~ 13 ~

Galvanize: Leadership to Strengthen Writing Instruction

How do you promote continuous improvement in writing instruction in your building? Delve into district and school level data from the past 3 years and learn strategies to cultivate a culture of effective writing instruction, fostering both student proficiency and educator confidence. Participants will leave equipped with actionable insights to invigorate writing in your school and elevate academic outcomes for students.


Kim Merrell (District Writing Specialist)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Harnessing the Power of Continuous Improvement: Utilizing Just-Right Data for Year-Round Student Success In this session, we will discuss why adopting a data-informed approach, rather than solely relying on data-driven decisions, is crucial for optimizing instructional practices and customizing teaching methods to meet students' specific needs. Join us to ensure your teacher teams excel by leveraging data cycles that drive innovation and foster student success throughout the school year.


Sarah Burger (Director of Curriculum & Student Support)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

How to Use DRC Beacon to Inform Instruction and Planning

Would you like to learn more about DRC Beacon and how your teachers can use it to drive instruction? Are you curious how you can use Data from DRC Beacon to predict student progress on the Georgia Milestones? Do you want to investigate how data from DRC Beacon can be utilized to monitor your School Improvement Plan? Learn how DRC Beacon can do this and a lot more through an in-depth analysis of Performance Reports, Beacon Instructional Strategies, and additional resources to assist you in meeting the educational needs of your students


Dr. Kim Walton (Coordinator of Assessment) David Ponder (Coordinator of Data & Accountability)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Literacy in K- 5 Social Studies: It’s a Science!

This session will present research-based strategies on how literacy in social studies can be used to build background knowledge and academic vocabulary for young readers.


Meghan Rush (K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, & Literacy Coaches

Target Grade Band: Elementary

~ 14 ~

Maximizing Minga: Harnessing One Platform for Data-Driven Decision Making at the Secondary Level

This session will demonstrate practical strategies for using Minga to gather, analyze, and act on data to enhance student outcomes and streamline classroom management. Join us to see how Minga can transform your approach to teaching and learning through a secondary principal's lens.


Sarah Burger (Director of Curriculum & Student Support) Andy Dorsey (Principal - Paulding County High School)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: Secondary

Navigating Instructional and Conceptual Shifts in Georgia's New ELA Standards

Join us for a session for school leaders focused on the pivotal structural shifts within the new Georgia ELA standards scheduled to launch in the 25-26 school year. This session is designed to provide school administrators and curriculum leaders with a comprehensive understanding of the structural changes and their implications for instruction as teachers begin professional learning this school year.


Kim Freedman (K-5 ELA Curriculum Coordinator/L4GA Grant) Lindsay Hodges (6-12 ELA/World language Curriculum Coordinator) Kim Merrell (District Writing Specialist) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Navigating the Georgia Early Literacy Act (House Bill 538): Essential Insights for School Leaders to Ensure a Successful School Year This session will delve into the key components of the Georgia Early Literacy Act (House Bill 538) through an interactive question and answer segment. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage directly with the critical aspects of the legislation, including instructional materials, screeners, interventions, professional learning, and teacher preparation. The primary goal of this session is to empower school leaders with the insights and strategies necessary to transition from understanding legislative mandates to building momentum for a successful school year.


Kim Freedman (K-5 ELA Curriculum Coordinator/L4GA Grant)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: Elementary

~ 15 ~

One L.O.V.E.

Get ready to elevate your leadership with our interactive session, designed to showcase the transformative Teacher Clarity and Success Criteria training from the School Improvement Department. Grounded in the distinguished work of Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey and backed by John Hattie's research indicating an impressive .85 effect size, this session offers invaluable insights. Leaders will gain a sneak peek into the essential Teacher Clarity and Success Criteria Playbook modules, acquiring practical tools and strategies. By the end, participants will be equipped to conduct a teacher clarity needs assessment, paving the way for identifying and addressing growth areas in your school. Join us and empower your staff with a clearer vision for success!


Dr. Tameka Walker (Director of School Improvement)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Power Pairs: Partners in Progress, Principals & Coaches Unite

Do you sometimes feel that as the principal or school leader; you are under enormous pressure to be the superhero of all things teacher and learning for your building? Do you know why the relationship between a principal and their instructional coach is one of the most important partnerships needed to directly impact student outcomes and share the work of teaching and learning? Do you want effective coaching to be a part of your school’s culture? Understanding the value and distinct difference in the roles of the principal and the instructional coach is essential in creating a powerhouse for accelerating student learning and impacting effective teacher instruction. Join us for: “Power Pairs: Partners in Progress, Principals and Coaches Unite!”


Dr. Karniese Daniel (Title I Director) Kim Williams (Title I Coordinator) Amy Ames (Title I Math Coach) Kristi Cook (Title I Academic Coach)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Real and Relevant: Transforming Social Studies for Today's Learners

In this session, administrators will explore the latest instructional practices, technology integrations, and curriculum enhancements that make social studies more relevant and impactful. You'll gain practical insights on how to support your teachers in creating a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world. Empower your educators, enhance student learning outcomes, and drive the future of social studies education in your school.


Meghan Rush (K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, & Literacy Coaches

Target Grade Band: Secondary

~ 16 ~

Roadmap to Literacy Success: Navigating Interventions for Students

Embark on a journey with presenters as they navigate the winding roads of literacy interventions and explore the Science of Reading research that guides them. As we gaze upon the road ahead, anticipate the changes looming on the horizon. The presenters will act as guides, pointing out key landmarks of a literacy-rich intervention classroom, stopping to rest at stops along the journey, providing sustenance and direction for sustainable growth. Together, we'll traverse this path, implementing evidence-based practices with unwavering fidelity, ensuring that every step we take brings us closer to our destination of literacy proficiency for all.


Brandon Chason (District Literacy Intervention Specialist - Secondary) Genevie Dryden (District Literacy Intervention Specialist - Elementary) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Specially Designed Instruction from a Leadership Lens

This session will provide an overview of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) and how it provides increasing success for Students with Disabilities. This course will address questions such as: What is SDI in the special education classroom?, What are the components of SDI?, and What are some examples of SDI?


Tiffany Martin (ESEP Director of Instruction & Professional Leaning) Takina Saxby (ATSI Coach) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: K-12 (All Grades)

Time for an Inspection! Using Data to Inform Instruction

Come discuss the importance of using assessments to gauge student understanding, identify learning gaps, and inform instructional planning.


Laura Freeman (K-5 Math Curriculum Coordinator) Michelle Bjors (6-12 District Math Coach)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: Elementary

Time for an Inspection! Using Data to Inform Instruction

Come discuss the importance of using assessments to gauge student understanding, identify learning gaps, and inform instructional planning.


Laura Freeman (K-5 Math Curriculum Coordinator) Michelle Bjors (6-12 District Math Coach)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Grade Band: Secondary

~ 17 ~

Transforming Success for EL Populations: One School's Innovative Approach to Enhancing EL Learning Outcomes Discover how Dobbins MS is leveraging the NBI segment to dramatically enhance EL learning outcomes. In this session, we'll share successful strategies and practical insights that have transformed their EL population's educational journey. Join us to learn actionable techniques that can drive similar success in your own school.


Sarah Burger (Director of Curriculum & Student Support) Wendy Mace (EAC - Dobbins Middle School) Donna Broyles (Principal - Dobbins Middle School) Principals, Assistant Principals, Evaluation Assessment Coordinators, Literacy Coaches, & Instructional Lead Coaches

Target Audience:

Target Grade Band: Secondary

Utilizing CTAE Grant Funding to Prepare Students for College and Career Success

Making the most of grant funding in CTAE programs. Participants will gain an understanding of state, federal, and private CTAE grant funding sources including their objectives and limitations as they relate to effective implementation.


Carole Pearson (Assistant Director of CTAE) Monica Rydza (YAP/WBL Coordinator) Jana Stegall (Business & Community Relations / Grant Writer)

Target Audience:

Principals, Assistant Principals, & Evaluation Assessment Coordinators

Target Grade Band: Secondary

~ 18 ~

SketchNotes Space

Session Notes

Session Title

One Key Takeaway

One Action or Next Step

One Leadership Commitment

Notes :

SketchNotes Space

Session Notes

Session Title

One Key Takeaway

One Action or Next Step

One Leadership Commitment

Notes :

SketchNotes Space

Session Notes

Session Title

One Key Takeaway

One Action or Next Step

One Leadership Commitment

Notes :

SketchNotes Space

Session Notes

Session Title

One Key Takeaway

One Action or Next Step

One Leadership Commitment

Notes :

SketchNotes Space

Session Notes

Session Title

One Key Takeaway

One Action or Next Step

One Leadership Commitment

Notes :

SketchNotes Space

Session Notes

Session Title

One Key Takeaway

One Action or Next Step

One Leadership Commitment

Notes :


Principals Meetings

Evaluation Assessment Coordinators Meetings

August 22



August 29



September 19



October 3



October 24



November 14



November 21



December 12



January 9



January 16



February 6



February 13



March 20



March 13



April 17



April 24



Assistant Principals Meetings (Group 1)

Assistant Principals Meetings (Group 2)

September 4



September 5



October 9



October 10



December 4



December 5



January 22



January 23



February 26



February 27



March 26



March 27



April 30



May 1



ILC - Instructional Lead Coaches

New Teacher Induction Classes

August 9

August 23


August 8

4:00 – 6:00


September 6

September 20


September 12

4:00 – 6:00


October 4

October 18


October 10

4:00 – 6:00


November 1

November 15


November 7

4:00 – 6:00


December 6


December 12

4:00 – 6:00


January 10

January 24


January 6

4:00 - 6:00


February 7


February 8

4:00 – 6:00


March 7

March 21


March 13

4:00 – 6:00


April 25


April 17

4:00 – 6:00


May 2

May 16


May 8

4:00 – 6:00


~ 31 ~

S CHOOL D ISTRICT C ALENDAR (approved 10.11.22)

~ 32 ~

Breakfast Sponsors

Lunch Sponsors

Snack Sponsors

Additional Sponsors

95 Percent Group Baggett Elementary School Bloomsbury Digital Resource / ABC-CLIO CERTS, LLC Discovery Education

McGraw Hill North Paulding High School Paulding County High School Progress Learning Savvas Learning South Paulding High School Vista Write Score

Goodheart-Willcox Publisher Kennesaw State University Illustrative Mathematics

Paulding County School District Teaching & Learning Division

Teaching & Learning Department School Improvement & Federal Programs Special Education & Student Services

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