A2_NIemann Foods_ExecutiveSummit Meeting
Niemann Foods Inc Sept 26-27, 2023 • Executive Leadership Summit
Day 1 Agenda
9:00 CEO Update Opening Comments by Mr. Rich Niemann, Jr
9:30 The 5 Rules
10:30 Break
10:45 Rule #1 Do Your Job
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Rule #2 Be Kind 5-Life Lessons on how to be Kind-ER!
Overview by Author Stephen D. Black
5-Life Lessons on how to do your job – only better!
Day 1 Agenda
2:15 Break
3:00 Rule #3 No Surprises
4:30 Day 1 Wrap Up Q&A 6:00
5-Life Lessons on how to communicate – only better!
Coaching Content by Chapter and Sub-Chapter
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job
Chapter 2 – Be Kind
Chapter 3 – No Surprises
It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
Expected Behavior!
Above all else….
Communication 101
The 3 great separators
My kindness mentor
Root cause – Fire Prevention
The 5 Traits of a good boss
Give your blessings
Slowwwww down
What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
Driver or passenger
Rule shattered, now what?
Winning with kindness
The laws of the harvest
Raise your hand
Day 2 Agenda
8:30 CEO Update
9:30 Rule #4 No Drama
10:30 Break
10:45 Rule #5 Protect the Brand 5-Life Lessons on how to Protect the Brand!
12:30 Wrap Up Lunch
Comments by Mr. Rich Niemann, Jr. Feedback on Day 1
5-Life Lessons on how to keep the drama in your life in check!
Coaching Content by Chapter and Sub-Chapter
Chapter 5 – Protect the Brand
Chapter 4 – No Drama
Your Friends Don’t need an explanation
Epilogue – After Your Last Breath
About your name
The 5 Cs of a Difference Maker
Get your foundation right!
Do it because of who YOU are
Civility – where have you gone?
Rise up!
You don’t have to answer the question
The law of the hats
A Blessed subtraction
Your Culture is your Brand
How much better would our lives and businesses be if everyone on our teams and in our homes did their job, was kind to each other, communicated better, left all their drama at the door, and protected each other and the business like it was theirs? Let’s discuss how we can do just that, with a proven culture transformation using these 5 simple rules!
For Leaders Eighty-three percent of organizations say they want to develop leaders. But only 5 percent of them have a plan in place.
Culture transformation is not some complex, unattainable goal.
It starts with a doable plan that can be repeated throughout your organization.
Behavior Expectations that are: Simple (not always easy) & Everyone is expected to follow!
• Behavior your team can expect from you • Behavior you expect from your team • These Behaviors work at home
“Coach to Behaviors, Not to Numbers! “If the Behaviors are right, the Numbers Will Be There!”
Rule #1 Do Your Job
Do Your Job
• DO Your Job! • Do YOUR Job! • Do Your JOB!
Rule #2 Be Kind
What tells me everything I need to know about you?
What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
By the way you treat the person that can do nothing for you!
Being kind isn’t always easy….. But it’s always right!
Rule #3 No Surprises
#1 Rule Quoted to me by my team – 1.Email Subject 2.Text Message 3.Phone Call Preface
The best way to have “no surprises” is to understand the root cause that created the issue to begin with. Using the 5 Whys Method:
In the vein of fire prevention vs firefighting, the root cause would be the spark that started the fire. As we all know – if there is no spark, there can be no fire.
Rule #4 No Drama
You must understand the difference in drama and just real life events! 1.Work Drama 2.Home Drama
Rule #5 Protect The Brand
How Do You Protect the Brand?
Protect The Brand by Protecting the Culture If you’re a leader – YOU are the Keeper of the Culture!
The brand isn’t the logo or the building. The brand is the thousands of people who work for the company. If you’re in a leadership role, you have an obligation to protect their futures by how you conduct yourself and bring people together .
After 1 year of having The 5 Rules in place – they just finished 3 (in a row) record breaking QTR’s to finish 2022. #1 in beating forecast out of 24 dealerships. And was #1 in the top 10 KPI’s for all of 2022!
Shottenkirk Auto Group
Launches The 5 Rules in all 24 Dealerships across the USA in July 2023
Houma Jr. High School Houma Louisiana
Academics: Overall growth on State Assessment Index - 72 to 74.9 Departments: Three of four core departs grew ELA 73.2 to 87.5 Science 53.3 to 62.4 Social Studies 62.7 to 66.3
Discipline: Formal Write-ups in 2018-19 3258 Introduced 5 rules 19-20 (school year was cut short)
2020-21 - 1035 2021-22 – 1090
Out of school suspension rate cut by over 50% by 20-22
Academics - Pre & Post The 5 Rules Launch
40 50 60 70 80 90
Formal Write Ups
Social Studies
Pre 5 Rules Post 5 Rules
Houma Jr. High finishes undefeated season with win over Evergreen Oct. 5, 2022
“The five rules of success have really helped our school and football team. In school I have notice the referrals have gone down. We have a lot less fights. The students in general are more pleasant and work harder than students in the past. When Mr. Corbin became principal 5 years ago, He implemented 5 rules for the school. They seemed simple yet effective. That season we were 2-4. The following season I implement these rules on the team. The boys were held accountable. We finished the season 5-2. I have continued to use these rules on the team. We have accomplished 3 strait undefeated seasons and district champions. I believe the rules have helped us accomplish these feats.” Coach Ricky Darcey Quest Teacher HJH Head Football Coach
If you live the 5 rules everyday in every relationship AND GIVE YOUR VERY BEST
You WILL have Brighter Days!
Niemann Foods Inc Sept 26-27, 2023 • Executive Leadership Summit
Niemann Foods Inc Sept 26-27, 2023 Executive Leadership Summit - Chapter 1
Coaching Content By Chapter and Sub-Chapter
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job
Chapter 2 – Be Kind
Chapter 3 – No Surprises
Chapter 4 – No Drama
Chapter 5 – Protect the Brand
Epilogue – After Your Last Breath
It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
Your Friends Don’t need an explanation
Communication 101
Expected Behavior!
Above all else….
About your name
Get your foundation right!
The 3 great separators
My kindness mentor
Root cause – Fire Prevention
Do it because of who YOU are
The 5 C’s of a Difference Maker
The 5 Traits of a good boss
Give your blessings
Slowwwww down
Civility – where have you gone?
Rise up!
What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
You don’t have to answer the question
Driver or passenger
Rule shattered, now what?
The law of the hats
Winning with kindness
The laws of the harvest
A Blessed subtraction
Your Culture is your Brand
Raise your hand
Chapter 1 Do Your Job
5 Life Lessons on Doing Your Job – Only Better
It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
The 3 great separators
The 5 Traits of a good boss
Driver or passenger
Raise your hand
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
Don’t Gripe - Unless You Have a Solution
Before you get too detailed with complicated business plans, make sure the team knows the basic fundamentals of retail. For example, truly know how to calculate gross margin! Start with the basics If you’re going to be the best, you have to be YOUR best every time out. You have to be YOUR best when nobody is looking. Whether it’s an actual game or in business if you’re going into a new market. You have to give it all you have. In sports, if you want to win more than you lose, you don’t have to just play harder than the competition, you also have to overcome bad calls (i.e., circumstances beyond your control). In business, I believe that if you are truly running the best store possible, you should be able to pick it up and place it in any city in the country and still have a successful store.
It doesn’t matter it matters what you do! what you can do,
• Don’t get cocky • Know your team
• Set a standard higher than the competition • Let the results (scoreboard) speak for itself
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job The 3 Great Separators
1. Growth Mindset – No Limit 2. Fixed Mindset – Limited
It’s really about those who have a growth mindset, versus a fixed mindset. If you have a growth mindset, there is no limit to what you can achieve if you are willing to put in the hard work to learn something new, to get out of your comfort zone and grow in your knowledge and career. If you have a fixed mindset, you believe that you are destined to only go so high in your career and you
The 3 Great Separators
1 st Separator – Technology • Be self taught • Take extra classes
2 nd Separator – Leadership • You Can’t Teach what you don’t know • You have influence – use it for the good 3 rd Separator – Positive Attitude • Shake it off People • Toxic People Have to Go
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job The 5 Traits of a Good Boss
The 5 Traits of a Good Boss…
1. Be Consistent • Work • Home
2. Have True Compassion • Don’t be a Diminisher • The Empire Builder • The Tyrant • The Know-it-all
• The decision Maker • The Micro Manager
The 5 Traits of a Good Boss… 1. Teach, Teach, Teach 2. Have a backbone 3. Give credit where credit is due
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job Driver or Passenger?
Driver or Passenger?
If you are in a leadership role and are a passenger, here is what you look like:
Here are the key components of being a driver:
• Always looking to improve your area of responsibility • Always looking to improve yourself • Know how to ask the right questions • Know how to get the right answers • Standin’ on “G”, waitin’ on “O”
• Just making the donuts • Never read or watch anything on improving yourself • Don’t ask the right questions
• Don’t have any answers • Never drive any initiatives .
One of my coaching lessons to store level leadership members are that you have these qualities: Driver or Passenger?
By the way you dress By making eye contact By the way you walk, with a sense of urgency
You look like a store director
The way you’re engaged with the team The way you’re engaged with vendors The way you’re engaged with customers
Act like you’re in charge, by
Having an outgoing personality Listening intently with your ears and your eyes Speaking confidently
Have charisma and presence, by
Driver or Passenger?
One of my coaching lessons to office leadership members are that you have these qualities:
By the way you dress By the way you talk By the way you treat everyone in the office
You look like a professional
Friendly to all departments, not just yours Keep a clean organized office Always willing to help others
You’re engaging and organized
Publish an agenda Start and end on a time Send out recaps of timelines and deliverable action items.
You know how to conduct a meeting
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job Raise Your Hand!
Raise Your Hand!
It’s not a crime to have a problem, it is a crime to have a problem and not raise your hand!
Whether you have 100, 1000, or 100,000 team members in your organization – there are others that can help you, but you have to raise your hand and ask for help. Nobody has to Do Their Job alone!
Homework Assignment: 1. Write down your top 5 roles – Personal life and Work life 2. Give yourself a grade on how you think you’re doing in each area 3. Write down 2 things that you can do better, today.
Improvement Challenge Do Your Job – Only Better!
Grade 1-5 (5 is great)
Grade 1-5 (5 is great)
Work Role
Home/Family Role
Improvement Challenge Do Your Job – Only Better!
Two Things I Can Do Better – Starting Today
Niemann Foods Inc Sept 26-27, 2023 Executive Leadership Summit - Chapter 2
Coaching Content By Chapter and Sub-Chapter
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job
Chapter 2 – Be Kind
Chapter 3 – No Surprises
Chapter 4 – No Drama
Chapter 5 – Protect the Brand
Epilogue – After Your Last Breath
It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
Your Friends Don’t need an explanation
Communication 101
Expected Behavior!
Above all else….
About your name
Get your foundation right!
The 3 great separators
My kindness mentor
Root cause – Fire Prevention
Do it because of who YOU are
The 5 C’s of a Difference Maker
The 5 Traits of a good boss
Give your blessings
Slowwwww down
Civility – where have you gone?
Rise up!
What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
You don’t have to answer the question
Driver or passenger
Rule shattered, now what?
The law of the hats
Winning with kindness
The laws of the harvest
A Blessed subtraction
Your Culture is your Brand
Raise your hand
Chapter 2 Be Kind
5 Life Lessons on Being Kind – Only Better
What’s it Like to be on the other side of me?
My Kindness Mentor
Give Your Blessings
Winning with Kindness
Above All Else
Being Kind Isn’t Always Easy… BUT IT’S ALWAYS RIGHT
Did this change you after you saw it in our first session??? If so, how?
Above All Else 5 Life Lessons on Being Kind – Only Better
The Story of King Soloman
To me, that means be very careful what you allow yourself to be in love with. What you allow yourself to be caught emotionally by.
So, I ask you. How would you finish this statement, “Above all else….? Here is my answer: Above All Else, “Be coachable and kind!” If you’re always trying to learn as much as possible about your profession and role, AND your kind to everyone along the way; you’ll be in a pretty good place throughout your life’s journey. 1. Being coachable means you’re not arrogant and don’t think you know everything. 2. Being coachable means you listen. 3. Being coachable means you’re always in learning mode. 4. Being coachable means you want to do better. 5. Being coachable means you know you can be better. If you know me – everything I teach can be applied at work and at home. Think about each of these places when you think about being coachable. The only thing I’d add here is; Be Kind - to everyone. Always. No matter what!!
My Kindness Mentor 5 Life Lessons on Being Kind – Only Better
Moments of Inspiration – by showing you how to live your life! Lieutenant Colonel Charles Douglas Seigrist
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Douglas Seigrist His History
• Raised by a single mom & sister (my grandmother and my mother) • Had all the odds against him • “I learned all he needed to KNOW by the time I finished 6 th grade.”
• Quote from his older sister Louise, “We weren’t poor, we just didn’t have any money.” • Dedicates his success to his bride, my sweet Aunt Carol. (approaching 59 years of marriage) • ”They are not Charles or Carol; they are Charles & Carol.” • His children and grandchildren adore him. • “Single thing that keeps most people from success is opportunity. So take advantage of every opportunity presented.” Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army!
“Each of you are going to spend the majority of your life working. At the end of that work life, when this old world has gotten everything out of you that it can — you will be discarded. Thrown away. All you’ll have left is family. Make sure you are kind to them along the way! I urge you to keep your family first place in your life. In the end, they will be the ones who are there For you.”
Give Your Blessings 5 Life Lessons on Being Kind – Only Better
From back in the Old Testament days to modern times, there is nothing more important to those that look up to you than to receive a blessing from you. In those days, it was actually a formal ceremony, given to the oldest son from his father. The most famous blessing gone bad, was when Jacob and his mother (Rebekah), tricked Isaac (due to his bad eyesight) into believing that Jacob was actually Esau (the eldest son) -essentially stealing the blessing. Jacob (Israel) went on to be the father of the 12 Tribes and gave his blessings to his sons as depicted below. Jacob’s blessings In our modern society we no longer have the formal blessing ceremonies, but make no mistake, the longing for the blessing exists none the less. Story of my boys and daughter and lifelong blessings!
Never Gave his Blessings to Anyone!
Your Legacy. Your Blessing.
Even I need blessings from my boss. Which I got this week. I didn’t do anything big, but he acknowledged my performance none the less. Blessing. Melanie gives me her blessing all the time. No doubt that she is my biggest fan. Meme & Papa (Melanie’s parents) never visit without giving me their blessing. If you know Ken & Sharon Delfeld. You know they are blessing givers. They’ve been the best example in my life on learning how to connect with people. If you watch them at any family gathering, they give their full attention to each person there, one on-one, regardless of their age. They spend time with them hearing their story and giving encouragement. (blessing) Every time I talk to my Uncle Charles, he gives me his blessing. What a gift. As I visit stores, I’m passing out blessings throughout the visit
Since you are now very aware of the blessing, I want to challenge you! To Bring Kindness (Blessings) into the Workplace
Don’t let a moment go by this week without giving it. Freely. To your spouse, your children, your team members , your boss, your friends, your inner circle and your outer circle. Even a stranger. “Watch me, watch me!” If you had a camera recording their face after you walk away. You’d do it every time.
What’s it Like to 5 Life Lessons on Being Kind – Only Better be on the Other Side of Me?
• It demonstrates humility • It reveals potential blind spots • It increases self-awareness • It helps us see ourselves as others see us • It slows us down long enough to “smell our own exhaust” • It provides insights into growth • It strengthens partnerships He calls feedback for these reasons “The Breakfast of Champions”
Winning with Kindness 5 Life Lessons on Being Kind – Only Better
4 Major Disruptors in the Food At Home Channels
At one-point, over the last few years, Amazon grew more in 8 months than Walmart is worth. Let that sink in.
What retail stores offer, you can’t feel online, you can’t smell online and you can’t experience online. The in-store experience MUST trump the Walmart, Natural/Organic & Dollar stores, as well as online convenience and price. Period. So, Who Wins?
Homework Assignment: 1. Write down 5 people or groups of people you’re going to intentionally be kind-er to in general. 2. Write down 2 people or groups of people you’re going to be kind-er to today.
Improvement Challenge Kindness– Only Better! 5 People or Groups of People I will be Kind-er to in General
Improvement Challenge Be Kind – Only Better!
Two People or Groups of People I will be Kind-er to - Starting Today
Improvement Challenge What is your ABOVE ALL ELSE?
Write in your ”ABOVE ALL ELSE”?
Niemann Foods Inc Sept 26-27, 2023 Executive Leadership Summit - Chapter 3
Coaching Content By Chapter and Sub-Chapter
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job
Chapter 2 – Be Kind
Chapter 3 – No Surprises
Chapter 4 – No Drama
Chapter 5 – Protect the Brand
Epilogue – After Your Last Breath
It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
Your Friends Don’t need an explanation
Communication 101
Expected Behavior!
Above all else….
About your name
Get your foundation right!
The 3 great separators
My kindness mentor
Root cause – Fire Prevention
Do it because of who YOU are
The 5 C’s of a Difference Maker
The 5 Traits of a good boss
Give your blessings
Slowwwww down
Civility – where have you gone?
Rise up!
What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
You don’t have to answer the question
Driver or passenger
Rule shattered, now what?
The law of the hats
Winning with kindness
The laws of the harvest
A Blessed subtraction
Your Culture is your Brand
Raise your hand
Chapter 3 No Surprises
5 Life Lessons on Communication – Only Better
Communication 101
Root cause – Fire Prevention
Slowwwww down
Rule shattered, now what?
The laws of the harvest
I believe that the biggest disruptor in any relationship is poor communication – that’s why Rule #3 is so critical. Surprises pop up all the time in businesses across the country. Primarily due to so many people being involved and details changing on a daily basis, it’s hard to keep up. And in any personal relationship – it’s the same failure. Often, mostly due to people just not paying attention and truly not hearing everything they should be hearing.
Communication 101 5 Life Lessons on Communication – Only Better
Communication is a two-way process involving the following elements:
a sender, a message, a medium, a channel, a receiver, a response and feedback.
However, it is not sufficient to have just all these elements; there should be cooperation and understanding between the two parties involved. “Drive-thru” communication method: 1. I say the specifics of my order 2. You repeat back what you think I said 3. I either confirm or adjust 4. You repeat again with the adjustment 5. Got it!
To understand the foundation of communication 101 – ask yourself who needs to know?
1. Your boss. 2. Your peer groups 3. Your team 4. The Supplier
5. The Customer 6. Spouse/Significant other 7. Children 8. Mother/Father
The best way to understand who needs to know, is who will it affect? 1. Do I need help on a decision 2. Am I just letting you know If the information you have could be explosive in nature to the business or your relationship at home – by all means, handle that with a personal visit or personal phone call. NOT A TEXT! If you think it’s potentially bad, it probably is. Don’t take a chance. Handle it immediately.
Communication 101 I’ll stop here and add, when someone wants me to give them advice, before I answer - I want to know what’s at stake. So, I’ll ask them, “What’s the worst that could happen?” If the answer is something along these lines, then clearly you shouldn’t do it: 1. Someone could die 2. I could die 3. I could lose my job 4. I could lose my business 5. I could lose my wife 6. My children could disown me 7. I could go to jail
Root Cause Fire Prevention 5 Life Lessons on Communication – Only Better
The best way to have “no surprises” is to understand the root cause that created the issue to begin with. Using the 5 Whys Method:
In the vein of fire prevention vs firefighting, the root cause would be the spark that started the fire. As we all know – if there is no spark, there can be no fire.
When things don’t go as planned:
1. Take a deep breath 2. Pick your priorities; put out one fire at a time, starting with the most critical one 3. Rally your support managers to help (You’re not superman or superwoman) 4. You know you’re probably going to have call-ins. Have some extra help scheduled 5. Follow-up with your previous shift leaders letting them know the position they put you in 6. Let your boss you know where your hot spots are when they walk in and what you’re doing about it 7. Don’t wait on them to see it and ask about it. This lets them know you’re on it and not surprised by them pointing it out
I believe one of the most critical personality traits of a leader is that the crazier things get, the more calm you get. Just like in a family, when daddy and momma are calm, the kids will be calm too. If they are out of control, it scares the children and solves nothing!
Slowwwww Down 5 Life Lessons on Communication – Only Better
I learned this leadership lesson from Dr. John Maxwell, when he shared that his father, who was the sixth president of what is now Ohio Christian University had this mantra: “Walk slowly through the crowds” His dad was a relationship guy and knew how important it was as he walked around the campus, that he was approachable and got to know his student body and they knew and trusted him.
Dr. John & Dr. Melvin Maxwell
How do some people have a knack for seeing things and others walk right by? One of my leadership lessons is this: “Your two eyes aren’t enough” As the leader – there is no way you can “see” everything that needs attention. That’s why you must build of team of collaboration and unity. It doesn’t matter who sees it, what matters is that it gets taken care of! How many people are in the warehouse at any given time? 100? If so, that’s 200 eyes, so coach your team to look and react to what they see just like you would!
Rule Shattered, Now What? 5 Life Lessons on Communication – Only Better
This is where the upfront expectations of daily behavior come into play. If you’ve never had the conversation directly with this person. You take this opportunity to coach them. The single most important factor in how you handle this, is that it must be in private: Nobody should ever be corrected publicly Never. At Work or Home -Never. Use the specific details around the situation to help them learn from their mistake. Don’t exaggerate and don’t understate the facts.
Don’t be too quick to react! Respond instead!
As you lead your team and lead your home life, understand that people will sometimes shatter Rule #3 – and some may do it over and over. A leadership pillar is to coach them until they get it. Some will get it after one session and some it will take multiple sessions. Believe in them and help them get there. It’s always more rewarding to help someone acknowledge a weakness they have than just discard them. If you value people – you value people. Don’t give up on them! Or your children!
The Laws of the Harvest 5 Life Lessons on Communication – Only Better
Under Rule #3 … No Surprises,
Sometimes we create our own “Surprises” because of our unrealistic expectations. “You never plant the wheat today and pull in the field tomorrow to harvest the wheat!”
Law 1: We Reap Only What Has Been Sown If you want to harvest wheat, you plant wheat seed. Here are the seeds we “plant” in the business: 1. Trust 2. Integrity 3. Kindness 4. Caring 5. Customer focused 6. Team focused
Plant in September…
Law 2: We Reap in a Different Season than We Sow There are four seasons in our annual calendar. In Oklahoma, wheat is normally planted in September and harvested the first of June. The business connection here is that you need to know the expected “season” that you should expect the harvest to show up. Most business initiatives take months or years to produce a good harvest. In today’s world of instant gratification, it is difficult for some team members to patiently wait for the harvest.
Harvest in June….
Law 3: We Reap More & in Proportion to What We Sow If you buy cheap seeds, and plant sparingly, don’t expect a record harvest. In business, I’m always amazed at high expectations of better sales comps, better performing teams, higher customer engagement, more efficient checkout results without investing a single dime in systems, training programs, employee incentive or better equipment to help produce better results.
Law 4: We Reap the Full Harvest of the Good Only if We Persevere You will have circumstances beyond your control risk the success of your harvest just about every year. Whether it’s too cold, too hot, too much rain or not enough rain. A devastating hailstorm may hit at just the wrong time and wipe out what was going to be a good harvest. In business, there are so many things beyond our control, yet we think when bad things happen, and trust me, they will, we still expect to have the harvest we would have had without those bad things happening. WHAT?
Law 5: We Can’t do Anything About Last Year’s Harvest, But We Can About This Year’s
We had a few harvests in Oklahoma when I was growing up that were just awful. For all the reasons listed above that can happen. It was imperative that we put all our focus on the next year’s crop and try to do some extra things in the coming year to help offset the loss from this year. The biggest mistake most people make is not putting last year to bed and focus on this year. You can’t change a single thing that happened last year – but you can change almost anything in the coming year!
No farmer would ever tell you they’ve had 10 years in a row of record harvests!
Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation | TED
Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation | TED
1. Don't multitask- Be present 2. Don't pontificate- Enter every conversation assuming you have something to learn. Don't just try to get your point across. Everybody is an expert in something. 3. Use open ended questions- Who, what, when, where why and how. 4. Go with the flow- Thoughts will come into your mind and go out of your mind. Let them go. Don't think for two minutes about a clever question to ask. 5. If you don't know, say that you don't know.
Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation | TED
6. Don't equate your experience with theirs- It is never the same. It's not about you. Don't take that moment. Conversations are not a promotional opportunity. 7. Try not to repeat yourself. 8. Stay out of the weeds- People don't care about the years, the names, the dates all those details that you are struggling to come up with in your mind. They care about you. 9. Listen - Buddha said: If your mouth is open you're not learning. And Calvin Coolidge said: No man ever listened his way out of a job. We don't listen with the intent to understand, we listen with the intent to reply. 10. Be brief- A good conversation is like a miniskirt, short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject.
Homework Assignment: 1. Write down your top 5 roles – Personal life and Work life 2. Give yourself a grade on how you think you communicate in each area 3. Write down 2 things that you can do better, today.
Improvement Challenge No Surprises – Better Communicator !
5 People or Groups of People I will be Kind-er to in General Work Role Grade 1-5 (5 is great) Home/Family Role
Grade 1-5 (5 is great)
Improvement Challenge No Surprises – Better Communicator!
Two things I can do to be better at communication – Starting Today
Niemann Foods Inc Sept 26-27, 2023 Executive Leadership Summit - Chapter 4
Coaching Content By Chapter and Sub-Chapter
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job
Chapter 2 – Be Kind
Chapter 3 – No Surprises
Chapter 4 – No Drama
Chapter 5 – Protect the Brand
Epilogue – After Your Last Breath
It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
Your Friends Don’t need an explanation
Communication 101
Expected Behavior!
Above all else….
About your name
Get your foundation right!
The 3 great separators
My kindness mentor
Root cause – Fire Prevention
Do it because of who YOU are
The 5 C’s of a Difference Maker
The 5 Traits of a good boss
Give your blessings
Slowwwww down
Civility – where have you gone?
Rise up!
What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
You don’t have to answer the question
Driver or passenger
Rule shattered, now what?
The law of the hats
Winning with kindness
The laws of the harvest
A Blessed subtraction
Your Culture is your Brand
Raise your hand
Chapter 4 No Drama
5 Life Lessons on No Drama– Don’t Play
Your Friends Don’t need an explanation
You don’t have to answer the question
Do it because of who YOU are
Civility – where have you gone?
A Blessed subtraction
Drama is unnecessary fear and anguish brought on by exaggerated facts or feelings. Drama also occurs when we continually talk about these exaggerated facts or feelings.
You must understand the difference in drama and just real life events! 1.Work Drama 2.Home Drama
At Work At Home
Your Friends Don’t Need an 5 Life Lessons on No Drama – Don’t Play Explanation
How to deal with the biggest drama creator – GOSSIP!
Your enemies wouldn’t believe it anyway!!!
Your friends don’t need an explanation……
The Damage of Gossip
That’s why there is no-gossip policy at Dave’s company. Gossip is defined as discussing anything negative with someone who can’t help solve the problem. If you’re having computer problems, and IT is slow about helping you, you don’t complain about it to the sales rep in the break room. You talk to your leader because he or she can and will do something about it.
Dave Ramsey
“If you won’t believe everything you’ve heard about me, I won’t believe everything I’ve heard about you!”
One characteristic I’ve tried to have is to make up my own mind about someone based on exactly what I know or have experienced with them. I try very hard to never base my opinion on what I’ve “heard” about them. How many times, once you’ve gotten to know someone, have you changed your opinion of them? Maybe you thought, “They are nothing like I’d heard they were.”
Do It Because of Who You Are 5 Life Lessons on No Drama – Don’t Play
Do it because of Simple Way to Deal with Drama! 1. Ignore it 2. Don’t feed it 3. Move on who YOU are
“Do the right thing because of who YOU are — period!”
Being committed to doing the right thing is a great life lesson . When you do, you will see the drama in your life decrease. It’s never wrong to do the right thing.
“Do the right thing because of who YOU are — period!”
Civility Where Have 5 Life Lessons on No Drama – Don’t Play You Gone?
Civility | Shelby Scarbrough | TEDxNapaValley
Civility includes the behaviors that help preserve the norms for mutual respect in the workplace (or any community). Civility demands that one speak in ways that are respectful, responsible, and restrained. We avoid behavior that is offensive, rude, demeaning, and threatening.
If the lack of civility had a child, its name would be drama. Anytime we feel threatened, we react. Our reactions are different in type and severity.
In 2017 the incoming freshmen of the U.S. House of Representatives all agreed that civility had left their chambers and they had a desire and commitment to get it back. They declared it the Summer of Civility.
You Don’t Have to Answer the 5 Life Lessons on No Drama – Don’t Play Question
Media Training Teaches This: “Just because a reporter asks you a question, you don’t have to answer it!”
Leadership Learning: “Just because you get asked a question, you don’t have to answer it!” Drama Alert!!!!
In many life situations, keep this lesson in mind: You don’t have to answer the question.
When asked a question, it’s better to be slow and certain than to be quick and wrong. Never feel the pressure to answer a question if answering that question will create drama.
A Blessed Subtraction 5 Life Lessons on No Drama – Don’t Play
Keith Wiginton, at the First Baptist Church in Altus, Oklahoma: He simply said that sometimes, when some people
depart the congregation, they are a “Blessed Subtraction.”
He was referring to the drama-filled people in a congregation who stir up trouble at every turn.
With today’s focus on mental health, it’s the same for those people in our lives who create unhealthy relationships. The sad reality is that sometimes you don’t realize how toxic someone is until they aren’t there anymore. After they leave, you can feel a calmness in the atmosphere. That is how you know that the person leaving was indeed a “Blessed Subtraction.” And it is truly a gift.
To apply the lesson of a “Blessed Subtraction,” you first must identify the drama addicts in your life. Look for a common denominator when it comes to people on your team or in your family who have a lot of conflicts. If you see the same person in a large majority of the conflicts — there’s your common denominator!
My challenge to you is this: “Make sure you are not the common denominator!”
You’re either spraying life or spraying death with your words.
Every time you open your mouth:
Choose life, every time!
5 steps to remove yourself from drama at work: Anastasia Penright
5 steps to remove yourself from drama at work: Anastasia Penright
5 Steps to Remove Yourself from Drama at Work: Anastasia Penright
Homework Assignment: 1. Write down your top 5 roles – Personal life and Work life 2. Give yourself a grade on how you think you’re doing in each area 3. Write down 2 things that you can do better, today.
Improvement Challenge My Drama Ratings Work Role Grade 1-5 (5 is great) Home/Family Role
Grade 1-5 (5 is great)
Improvement Challenge No Drama - Hold Me Accountable
Two Things I Can Do Better – Starting Today
1. Me
2. My Co-workers
Niemann Foods Inc Sept 26-27, 2023 Executive Leadership Summit - Chapter 5 & Conclusion
By Chapter and Sub-Chapter Coaching Content
Chapter 1 – Do Your Job
Chapter 2 – Be Kind
Chapter 3 – No Surprises
Chapter 4 – No Drama
Chapter 5 – Protect the Brand
Epilogue – After Your Last Breath
It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what you do!
Your Friends Don’t need an explanation
Communication 101
Expected Behavior!
Above all else….
About your name
Get your foundation right!
The 3 great separators
My kindness mentor
Root cause – Fire Prevention
Do it because of who YOU are
The 5 C’s of a Difference Maker
The 5 Traits of a good boss
Give your blessings
Slowwwww down
Civility – where have you gone?
Rise up!
What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
You don’t have to answer the question
Driver or passenger
Rule shattered, now what?
The law of the hats
Winning with kindness
The laws of the harvest
A Blessed subtraction
Your Culture is your Brand
Raise your hand
Chapter 5 Protect The Brand
5 Life Lessons on Protecting The Brand – Only Better
Epilogue – After Your Last Breath
About your name
The 5 C’s of a Difference Maker
The law of the hats
Your Culture is your Brand
Rise up!
Get your foundation right!
How Do You Protect the Brand?
The brand isn’t the logo or the building. The brand is the thousands of people who work for the company. If you’re in a leadership role, you have an obligation to protect their futures by how you conduct yourself and bring people together .
“Good choices equal good consequences. Bad choices equal bad consequences.” — Bro. Keith Wiginton Sr. If we always make good choices, we’ll most likely harvest good consequences. If we make bad choices, we will most likely harvest bad consequences. (Remember the Laws of the Harvest we talked about in Rule 3?)
About Your Name 5 Life Lessons on Protecting the Brand – Only Better
What do you come into this world with? Your name. What do you leave this world with? Your name. What you do between your entry and exit will determine your legacy Your brand.
My full name is: Stephen Douglas Black Stephen Franklin Vaughn was my great grandfather on my mothers’ side. I never met him although I know he was from Arkansas and had eleven children. Douglas is after my mom’s brother, Charles Douglas Seigrist.
My son’s each have one of my names. Jared Stephen Black & Travis Douglas Black. I also have two nephews that have my name. Joshua Stephen Roll & Cody Stephen Black.
Nothing will bring value to your name more than helping people! Transformation takes place when people know that you believe in them. You show you believe in them, by helping them. Help is more than just money, you can teach, inspire and coach them. It’s always rewarding for me to spend time with my team and teach them something about the business that makes their work life better. They are forever grateful for the impact you’ve had on them.
The 5 C’s of a Difference 5 Life Lessons on Protecting the Brand – Only Better Maker
The Difference Makers Creed: • I want to make a difference • Doing something that makes a difference • At a time that makes a difference • With people that make a difference
If you were to ask any sports recruiter what they are looking for in a potential recruit, they’d tell you that they were looking for a difference maker. Someone that stands out in a crowd, makes the whole team better and ultimately, changes the outcome of the game.
Jared Stephen Black
1. Charisma – I think of this as MOJO – but it’s something about a personality that draws you in. Makes you listen, makes you connected, makes you want to follow. 2. Curious – always asking questions. Learning is a lifetime quest, and you want to know all you can about as many things as you can for as long as you can. 3. Caring – you deeply truly care about people. It’s the core of who you are. You are more interested in the person, than what the person can do for you.
4. Comedic – JB has an amazing sense of humor. That trait alone can relax everyone in a room, feel part of the conversation and makes you laugh. 5. (Of High) Character – it’s the part of your personality that defines you. It’s how you act when nobody is looking. It’s a high bar for yourself, regardless of those around you . Jared, and his wife of 22 years, Beth, as well as their two boys, Dax, 17, and Brody, 12, reside in Texas. Jared’s favorite activities are spending time with his family, watching the boys play baseball or show livestock, playing golf, and fishing. To quote John Maxwell: “Find yourself in your passion, lose yourself in your purpose.” My passion is technology in the grocery retail industry, my purpose is serving others.
Rise UP! 5 Life Lessons on Protecting the Brand – Only Better
That is exactly what happened to me four months after I became CIO (Chief Information Officer) in 2012 – a data breach. Just the sound of that makes me cringe to this day. In the technology world, there is nothing more important than network security and protecting all credit card information. PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) didn’t even exist until 2006 and has become a major area of the business in just the last few years.
We created a war room with over 20 members from all areas of the business involved and had been working around the clock for over two weeks at this point. One morning as I was driving to work, my mind racing with all the details of trying to develop my game plan to conquer this event, two words suddenly came to my mind…
Rise up I immediately thought those two words again; Rise up Those words began to swell up something inside of me. I thought them again; Rise up I said them out loud; Rise up I said them out loud again; Rise up Then I began to shout them; RISE UP
As I entered the office that morning, I had POWER! New power. Strong Power. Overcoming Power. Conquering Power. Power to destroy this ugly thief that had invaded our lives. Power to get the knowledge to help us lock out the bad guys. Power to assure our customers that their data was safe with us. Power to make sure this never happened again. Power to give the team the direction and leadership they needed to solve this.
This lesson isn’t about the breach. It is about facing your fears when a giant obstacle comes your way.
And it’s about being truly committed to protecting the brand.
The Law of the Hats 5 Life Lessons on Protecting the Brand – Only Better
are You Wearing? How Many Hats
One Person One Hat – Many Roles
This is the Law of the Hats:
• If you are the same “you” at all times, no matter the role you’re playing, you will have more trust and confidence from those who look up to you. • This includes your children, your spouse, your team, your peer group, and those who report to you. • They will all respect you and follow you. • You will have a brand that you’ll be proud to call “the real deal.”
Your Culture is Your Brand 5 Life Lessons on Protecting the Brand – Only Better
“Unique blend of psychology, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs informing brand behavior, influencing brand experience, and ultimately shaping brand reputation.” Brand Culture
1.Their psychology — how do they think and interact with the world around them? 2.Their ideas — are they always searching for new and different ways to approach opportunities? 3.Their attitudes — how positive are they toward people? 4.Their beliefs — what are their core values in approaching their customers, vendors, and workers? If your brand were a person, here are the parts of their personality you would evaluate:
Your customers’ experience will never exceed your team members’ engagement level. Or said another way, your team members will never treat your customers better than they are treated by you or any leader in the company. If you have disengaged team members, you must look in the mirror. Something is wrong and it’s your job to find out what that is.
Your culture is your brand. Your culture is your reputation. Protect it. Because without it, you’re out of business ! • Leadership takes care of the team • The team takes care of the customer • The customer rewards the shareholder with their business
Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe: Simon Sinek
Epilogue– After Your Last Breath
Conclusion: Get Your Foundation Right!
After Your Last Breath My Dad My dad found out on his 76th birthday, April 30, 2013, that he had small-cell lung cancer. The doctors thought they could treat it with relative ease and that he’d have no long lasting effects of the disease. He hadn’t smoked in over thirty years and was still working full-time. Up to that point, he had been healthy and could do anything he wanted to do. He loved to fish, camp, and play golf. My Mom Then, only seven months later, in March of 2014, my mom found out just a few months before her 76th birthday that she had a growth developing in one of her lungs. She had retired from work and was in declining health during this time.
The Ultimate Life Lesson
Here is the ultimate life lesson: Bro. Keith Wiginton Sr. always said, “Ten out of ten people die.”
So, I ask you, what legacy teachings are you leaving behind for those who remain? What life lessons do you give that are so strong that your loved ones will not only be guided through the valleys, but will also feel your hand on their shoulder, your voice in their ear, and your enthusiasm in their hearts as life goes on?
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