By Mike Maddock, CEO and Founding Partner, Maddock Douglas, Inc.
H ow L e a d e r s G e t t h e i r MOJO B A C K
“ People can’t inspire others unless they are inspired themselves.” – Carmine Gallo, Talk Like TED
about how leaders function best under stress, is now recommending techniques used regularly to treat PTSD for her CEO clients most impacted by the pandemic. According to Dr. Hanna, “Stress itself isn’t good or bad, but rather energy potential that can be used in positive or negative ways.” In fact, many leaders use stress to get more done and perform at higher levels. But when the stress is unrelenting it can be damaging, leading to an utter depletion of the mojo that makes us special.
In December 2021, Adam Grant wrote a piece in The New York Times which put a name to how many people were feeling. He described the space between burnout, joylessness, and depression as “languishing.” Then, the article immediately went viral as the world gave a virtual head-nod to how a year of a pandemic had impacted them. Fast forward to 2022. Leaders are still dealing with a pandemic and many of us have moved well past languishing. In fact, Dr. Heidi Hanna, who has made a living writing, teaching, and speaking
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