Buy Alabama’s Best Day on the Lawn
The Alabama Grocers AssociaƟon, the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries and the Alabama Food Manufactur ers and Producers AssociaƟon held a media briefing for the Buy Alabama’s Best campaign on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. The media briefing was held on the Alabama State Capitol Lawn. Speakers included Governor Kay Ivey, Agriculture Commis sioner Rick Pate, AGA Chairman Harold GarreƩ, Emily Hornak with Children’s of Alabama, AGA President/CEO Ellie Taylor and AFMPA President Mike Hanson.
Governor Kay Ivey State of Alabama
Commissioner Rick Pate Alabama Dept. of Agriculture
Ellie Taylor AGA President/CEO
Emily Hornak Children’s of Alabama
Harold GarreƩ AGA Chairman
Mike Hanson AFMPA President
The Buy Alabama’s Best Campaign formed in 2006 when four Alabama companies, the Alabama Grocers AssociaƟon, and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries saw a need to idenƟfy products that were made in Alabama. Today, Buy Alabama’s Best has grown to over 50 companies that are headquartered in Alabama, or produce and/or manufacture their products in our state.
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