AI Catalog new template 03-11-23


INF V DX Content: 1.7 oz


Viral Detox

Suggested use: Immune Support Benefits: INF V DX™is an Advanced Micro Blend of nutrients designed to support and enhance the body’s immune system response under viral conditions. This Micro blend offers a detox of viral influences in the body. Ingredients: Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc, Iodine, Echinacea (whole plant), Boneset (aerial flowering parts), Gelsemium (whole plant), Goldenseal (whole plant), Clubmoss (whole plant), Watercress (whole plant), Phosphoric acid, Thymus (suis). MOXIE (energy frequency): Phosphoric acid, Belladonna, Lachesis, Nux vomica, Pyrogenium. Suggested dosage: 3 sprays 3x daily or as directed by healthcare professional.




Kidney Support

1.7 oz

Suggested use: Kidney Support Benefits: Supports kidney and bladder and urinary tract drainage, detox, inflammation, general nutrition and water retention, vital energy for organ along with support for GI and reduction of urea/creatinine load. May also support Arrhythmia, ede ma due to weak heart, palpitations along other heart-related issues. Active Ingredients: Angelica, Astragalus, Curcumin, Lespedeza, Rheun (7.5 ml), Nigella, Salvia met (5 ml), Red Suma (2.5 ml). Suggested dosage: 3 sprays 3x daily or as directed by healthcare professional.





Liver Support

1.7 oz

Suggested use: Healthier skin and hair, Hormonal balancing, Decreased sinus and allergy issues, slowed aging, potentially fewer aches and pains Benefits: LVR PRO™is an Advanced Micro Blend of nutrients designed to support Liver health, drainage and detox cleansing and regeneration. Ingredients: Carduus Benedictus, Carduus Marianus, Chelidonium, Choline, Duo denum, Fumnaric Ac., Gall Bladder, Inositol, Lycopodium, Natrium Oxa., Natrium pyr., Niacin, Taraxicum, Vein, B1, B2, B6, B12 (30K), Ceanothus Am., Chionanthus vir. (6X), Coelliac Plexus, Pancrease (8X, 200K), IL 4 (10X, 200K), Kalium sulf, Natrium sulph. (6X, 30K), Liver, Spleen (6X, 200K). MOXIE (energy frequency): Fumaric acid, Il-4, Sodium oxalate, Potassium sul fate, Suggested dosage: 3 sprays 3x daily or as directed by healthcare professional.




Lymphatic Support

1.7 oz

Suggested use: Lymphatic support, drainage, detox. Benefits: LYMPH DX™is an Advanced Micro Blend of nutrients designed to support a healthy lymphatic system. This blend will encourage drainage and detox while suppor ting healthy lymphatic tissue. Ingredients: Whole plants of Fumaria Off, Scotch Pine, Black Pepper & Tilia Tomen tosa; Potassium Carbonate, Blackthorn buds, essence of sus scrofa Lymph Node & Spleen; Silicea essence. MOXIE (energy frequency): Ethyl alcohol, Hepar sulph calc, Sulfuric acid. Suggested dosage: 3 sprays 3x daily or as directed by healthcare professional.

Alive Innovations - Micro Blends -

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