AI Catalog new template 03-11-23



Standard dose: 250 mg Sub for: High blood pressure, liver health, diabetes.

Benefits: NMN supplements stimulates the activity of mitochondria, microscopic organelles that are vital to our metabolism. The powerhouses of the cells, mitochondria transform glucose and oxygen into cellular energy – without them, cells would lack energy and die.


Standard dose: 200mg-400mg Sub for: Immune system, antioxidant support, blood sugar, energy

Benefits: This ingredient may help increase insulin production, enhance blood sugar uptake in cells, and provide antioxidant protection. You may also see an improvement in energy production and immune system health


Standard dose: 100-600 mg (use 100 mg base) Sub for: Antispasmodic, Brain health, Astringent, Skincare/Hair growth supplements Benefits: Rosemary has been used in traditional medicine for its astringent, tonic, carminative, antispasmo dic, and diaphoretic properties. Rosemary is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs, used centuries ago to enhance mental function and memory.


Standard dose: 200-800 mg (use 100 mg base) Sub for: Diuretic, Anti-Inflammatory, Bone Health, Antioxidant


Benefits: Parsley works as a powerful natural diuretic and can help reduce bloating and blood pressure. Parsley is loaded with vitamin K, which has been linked to bone health. The vitamin supports bone growth and bone mineral density. Parsley carries high levels of beta carotene, folate and vitamin B12.


Standard dose: 50-500 mg (Use 50 mg as base) Sub for: Anti-Inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidants, heart support

Benefits: Quercetin may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Quercetin can also help stabilize the cells that release histamine in the body and thereby have an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect.


Standard dose: 320mg Sub for: Estrogen-based medications

Benefits: This herb packs many potential health benefits. Such benefits may include increased testosterone levels, improve prostate health, reduce inflammation, aid in hair loss,and aid in urinary tract function.Magni


Standard dose: 15-40 mg (use 5 mg as base) Sub for: Anxiety, Antidepressant, Neurocognitive

Benefits: Sceletium tortuosum has traditionally been used for mood-altering purposes, including for relief of anxiety and depression. Limited clinical trials have been conducted evaluating potential anxiolytic, neurocog nitive, and antidepressant activities of S. tortuosum.

Alive Innovations - Indiviudal Ingredients -

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