Adore A-List 2021

TERRANCE OSBORNE GRETNA ARTIST & GALLERY OWNER Terrance Osborne Gallery Favorite meal and where to get it The Orbit Bowl from The Daily Beet Favorite simple indulgence I enjoy buying and reading Disney art books Favorite place to listen to music Preservation Hall Favorite place to score things for your home Disco Warehouse A book you are reading now Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson Name a necessary extravagance First class on airplanes Favorite movie of all time The Matrix First thing you do when you wake up Sit in my backyard and listen to the birds singing and pool water running

Describe what you love about what you do. I love that I can form an idea in my mind and put it on the surface. This seems simple but when somebody tells me that my work is beautiful, it's like being told that my mind is beautiful. It's the best feeling. Why in New Orleans? I often say that if you are an artist living in New Orleans and aren't inspired then you are half dead. There is so much culture and so many people expressing it that it's contagious. Something about New Orleans that can always put you in a good mood. In most other places, people keep to themselves. In New Orleans we talk to strangers like we know them. We hug them. We invite them to our "crawfish berl." It always puts me in a good mood when I see locals being friendly. What about New Orleans inspires you? I'm inspired by how colorful our culture is. Our food is flavorful and spicy. We paint our houses exotic colors and our fashion matches it. The way we curve, throw, and drag our words is captivating. The people inspire me.



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