Adore A-List 2021

Describe what you love about what you do. I don't have a job! I have a mission! I wake up every morning and pour my God-given talents and passions into making an impact. I push myself to be the person I needed when I was a student at St. Augustine High School. Describe what you see as our future. I would like for the people of New Orleans to see that the word "community" represents commerce + unity. If the two truly came together through us as citizens, we can build an illuminating future together.


PRESIDENT & CEO St. Augustine High School

What would people be surprised to know about you? I jumped out of a plane at heights of 10,000 feet on Long Island, and I've also gone 60 feet below on the island of Roatán, Honduras. What amazing feelings both were. All fears broken from that point on. Spending time with Fr. Matthew J. O'Rourke S.S.J. during the last five years of his life with us on Earth. He was St. Augustine's first principal in 1951 and its first president in 1987. The "Chief" is what we called him. Without any doubt, I know he's guiding my mind and hands throughout this mission I lead today. Describe the greatest influence on your life.

Favorite museum New Orleans African American Museum Favorite place to listen to music Jogging through the streets of New Orleans A song that defines your coming of age Moments In Love by Art of Noise. I knew I was transforming when I would play this on repeat

Currently watching Godfather of Harlem Favorite place to go with your family Studio BE in the Bywater Favorite movie of all time Gladiator starring Russell Crowe – "Are you not entertained!!"



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