Adore A-List 2021
BEATRIZ BALL UPTOWN OWNER & DESIGNER Beatriz Ball Collection Describe what you love about what you do. I jump out of bed every morning looking forward to my work day. I absolutely love what I do and everything about it: my customers, my teams, my artisans, my product! When I am in the middle of a creative process, I am so completely engaged that I completely lose sense of time. For me, the distinction between work and play completely dissolves. Why in New Orleans? It's a magical place! A small town with big time people. Dreamy, soft, and easy with so much soul and so many wonderful rich layers. New Orleans is inclusive and permissive — that's why so many creative people throughout history have come here. What advice would you give your twenty-year-old self? Go to accounting school. What would people be surprised to know about you? I adore the Kardashians! Completely obsessed by them! My granddaughters and I text each other all the time about their latest news and shenanigans. Describe your charitable work or favorite causes. About a year ago, I found out that each tree manufactures 140 packing boxes. We use so many boxes in our shipping — imagine how that made me feel! I became a member of Arbor Day Foundation, and we are involved with their initiative to plant 100 million trees around the globe. We are also changing our packing to use 100% recycled materials.
Favorite restaurant Clancy's Favorite museum Historic New Orleans Collection Favorite art gallery Arthur Rogers Gallery Favorite simple indulgence Tequila A song that defines your coming of age Anything Beatles Name a necessary extravagance Shoes, shoes, and more shoes! Currently watching
Borgen, fabulous Danish series on Netflix
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