Adore A-List 2022

WEDDINGS WE ADORE Lauren & James By M i cha e l a B e chl e r | Photos by E m i ly Song e r L auren Mavrinac and James Singleton's relationship started as a friendship while they both attended the University of Oklahoma. After four years of dating, they knew that New Orleans – a place known for fun that both of their families love and have in common – would be the perfect place for their nuptials. "The church was a really big deal for me," explains Lauren. "My family has so many connections to Our Lady of the Lake, so we centered everything around the church." The duo lives in Colorado where Lauren is a business student and James is a United States Space Force Satellite Operator. While planning a wedding from afar wasn't always ideal, the bride made it work with trips to her hometown of Houston and New Orleans throughout the



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