Adore April 2021
Ann Marie Auricchio MIDCITY Artist
O riginally from New York, Ann Marie landed in New Orleans six years ago after living in cities around the country. She is currently represented by Octavia Art Gallery and is the recipient of the Joan Mitchell Center 2021 Artist-in-Residence program. For nearly 28 years, Ann Marie has worked nationally as a scenic artist from major film and television sets to theater and opera stages. Since moving here, she has carved a niche as a muralist and decorative finish artisan for both residential and commercial spaces, including a large custom mural for the new Hotel St. Vincent located in the Lower Garden District.
why NEW ORLEANS? New Orleans enables me to live a life I love. I can create my own story, my own way of being here. New Orleans embraces, celebrates, and exudes creativity. She is a most magical muse. What is inspiring you right now? Spring has always been my favorite time of year — the light is brighter, the days longer, and everything is regenerating and growing. There has been a lot of change in the past year (both universally and personally) that has been a driving force of inspiration as well. What do you do to nurture creativity? I love looking at other artworks, watching films, and having conversations with other artists. I also need to get my hands dirty in the garden. It's a grounding that always opens channels to creativity for me. Most of all allowing myself the time and space I need for my creativity to manifest. FAVORITE PART ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? Bringing beauty into people's lives. Art brings people to another place, another realm, a special place of joy. FAVORITE QUOTE? "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." Pablo Picasso
L a ndsc a p e Mur a l , A cry l i c on Mus l i n , P r i vat e R e s i d e nc e U p town N e w Or l e a ns
F l i rt i ng W i th I l l um i n at i on , 202 1 , A cry l i c on C a nva s , 72 " x 120 "
F u tur e P e r f e ct, 202 1 , A cry l i c on C a nva s , 60 " x 72 "
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