Adore June 2020
from the editor A Letter from Katy Danos things we adore Our Seasonal Favorites spring into summer Garden-Inspired Living now streaming Camera Ready Accessories 24 32 42 56 table of contents JUNE 2020 • ISSUE NUMBER 22 it's a masked world We've Got You Covered home away from home Melissa Rufty Leads By Design drinks on me Happy Hour Never Looked So Good sparkling good times Celebrate the Fourth in Style 8 9 10 18
Editor: Katy Danos | Senior Graphic Designer: Emily Sucherman | Managing editor: michaela bechler publisher: Sara Barnard | Advertising director: Emily Engberg | adore sales manager: nicole kaitz SALES: brad brEuhl, Yvette Dellucky, jill dryden, gwen enderline, matthew guidry, tom nalley, Kristin Raspanti, Charlie Thomas, & amy rodriguez Graphic Designers: Catherine Flotte & TIANA WATTS
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