Adore March 2021
I literally clapped and cheered when Pantone announced the 2021 Color of the Year: Illuminating Yellow. Soul-warming and energetic, it's just the happy and hopeful ray of sunshine that we are all craving. There's something truly joyful about a bright yellow egg yolk, and we sure don't sing that "the sun will come out tomorrow" for no good reason. Yellow, in all its bold and playful hues, is the right color for right now, and I'm all about the strong dose of positivity. For me, Spring is always a season of renewed energy and excitement. Everything is blooming and all of our favorite outdoor activities are in full swing. It's a great time to check out our shops, auction houses, and art galleries for ways to spruce up our homes as we support local businesses. And as we expand our pods, frequenting our favorite restaurants, ordering in for casual dinner parties, and enjoying our beautiful neighborhoods are all ways to move forward in 2021. Letting the sunshine in has never been more welcomed.
by k at y danos
photo by joshu a br a st e d
"Handcrafted pottery has the capacity to nourish both the home and the mind." — Rachael DePauw Local Artist Rachael DePauw available at The Shop at The Collection
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520 Royal Street in the French Quarter Tuesday–Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Sunday, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (504) 598-7147 |
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