Adore March 2022

WEDDINGS WE ADORE Adley & Chris By K at y Danos | Photogr a phe d by Cathe r i n e Gu i dry

A lthough Adley Schmid and Christian Landry are from Lafayette, New Orleans has always been Adley's second home. "My mom is from New Orleans, and I have so many cherished memories of spending time with my grandparents and many cousins. My parents' wedding reception was at the New Orleans Country Club, so it was beyond special to celebrate our marriage in the very same place." With many sentimental details woven into the weekend, their wedding experience was truly personal. "I love the 'save the date card' created by Caitlin Gossen of Hark Creative Co. The original watercolor depicts one of our favorite dates — dinner at



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