Adore March 2022

from the editor A Letter from Katy Danos things we adore The Latest and Greatest POP OF PEARL Timeless Meets Modern BLACK JOY A Collaboration with Pottery Barn 24 36 46 56 table of contents MARCH 2022 • ISSUE NUMBER 37 THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT Spark Joy with Color DYNAMIC DUOS Five Incredible Pairs BEST FEST YET Springtime in the City WEDDINGS WE ADORE Adley & Chris 8 9 10 18

On the Cover: Julie and Isabelle Neill | Photographed by Chris Granger

pub l i she r : Sar a Barnard E d i tor : K at y Danos | S e n i or Gr a phi c D es i gn e r : E m i ly Suche rman | Manag i ng e d i tor : m i cha e l a b e chl e r SA L ES : K athryn Tr i go & Pa i g e Kor i tz Adv e rt i s i ng Cr e at i v e : Cathe r i n e F l ot t e , Courtn e y L e onpache r & E mma V e i th

For advert ising & edi tori a l inquiri es , p l e ase ema i l ADORE@the advocat e . com

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