Adore May 2022

from the editor A Letter from Katy Danos things we adore The Latest and Greatest FREE SPIRIT Bohemian Meets Elegant HOME AWAY FROM HOME An Uptown Renovation WITH PRIDE Beyond the Rainbow 34 42 50 56 table of contents MAY 2022 • ISSUE NUMBER 39 EASY BREEZY Summer Style HAUTE CUISINE At The Grill Room GIFTS FOR FATHER'S DAY Options for Every Dad WEDDINGS WE ADORE Rachel & Jordan 10 11 12 22 32

On the Cover: Uptown Garden | Terrance Osborne |

pub l i she r : Sar a Barnard E d i tor : K at y Danos | S e n i or Gr a phi c D es i gn e r : E m i ly Suche rman | Manag i ng e d i tor : m i cha e l a b e chl e r SA L ES : K athryn Tr i go & Pa i g e Kor i tz Adv e rt i s i ng Cr e at i v e : Cathe r i n e F l ot t e , Courtn e y L e onpache r & E mma V e i th

For advert ising & edi tori a l inquiri es , p l e ase ema i l ADORE@the advocat e . com

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