Patricia Clarkson HIGH ART INDEED By katy danos
N ew Orleans is proud to call Patricia Clarkson one of our own. Not only is she one of the most gifted actresses of our time, with an accolade-filled career in film, theatre, and television, she is generously devoted to her hometown. In her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes when she won a Best Supporting Actress award for her stunning performance in HBO's Sharp Objects, she gave a heartfelt shout out to her mom, dad, and New Orleans. And as often as her schedule allows, she is in town to support the arts – Le Petit Theatre, Mahalia Jackson Theatre, and the Tennessee Williams Festival just to name a few. Patti, as she is known to family and friends, explains that as the youngest of five sisters, the pull to New York to make her own way was strong. She attributes much of her success to the rigorous education she received at Fordham and Yale Universities. "My world opened up," she says. "In an industry fixated on the external, I was fortunate to have professors who taught me that I was so much more than how I looked or sounded – that I could play anything." Critically acclaimed roles include a drug-addicted actress in the movie High Art and a bohemian artist in HBO's drama Six Feet Under. Her advice to actors just starting out includes "have courage in your own convictions early on" and "the dream is not impossible if you train, have scruples, and constantly strive to get better." At such an exciting time for women in her industry, she jubilantly exclaimed at the Golden Globes "this is what 59 looks like!" Well, Patti, girl, you've never looked better and New Orleans simply adores you!
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