What advice would you give your twenty-year-old self?
You don't have to be perfect. You will only reach your full potential if you are willing to take risks. Do not fear failure. Your worth is not dependent on your success in your profession. Describe what you see as our future. I am not a native New Orleanian so I am still learning about the city's history and current state. My ultimate desire is that residents, which vary ethnically and economically, feel like they have equal opportunity to achieve the success they desire for themselves and their families. I would like to see homelessness decline, employment rise, and school age children learn how powerful their minds are from teachers, mothers, and fathers who are devoted. My vision includes a criminal justice system that treats the poor and wealthy with even scales. I truly believe that this city's greatest days are ahead of her.
Favorite restaurant Emeril's Delmonico, Morrow's, Shaya Favorite snowball stand Sal's Favorite meal and where to get it Gumbo and potato salad, at home, Kirsten's Kitchen Favorite thing to do here to relax Take a rare nap (we have 5 going on 7 kids!) What book are you reading now Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson A song that defines your coming of age "Real Love" by Mary J Blige Favorite hotel Four Seasons — anywhere A song that always puts a smile on your face "Blessed Assurance"
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