Alabama Grocer 2023 Issue 3.indd


Ellie Smotherman Taylor President/CEO Alabama Grocers Association 'WHY SHOULD I BE THE NEXT MEMBER OF THE ALABAMA GROCERS ASSOCIATION (AGA)?'

This question has been a common ask since the beginning of my involvement with AGA in 1995. First and foremost, the AGA is the voice of the grocery industry for the state of Alabama. We advocate for important issues that affect your bottom line. The reduction of the grocery tax this September is a great example of how AGA represents our members in the legislative arena. Did you know that Alabama was only one of three states that still fully taxed groceries? All our surrounding states, apart from Mississippi, do not fully tax groceries. If I was a consumer paying almost 10% in grocery tax, it would be appealing to cross state lines to take advantage of having zero grocery tax in a neighboring state. AGA has been an advocate of this removal for over a decade, and we should all be proud it finally has come to fruition. The Association sent out a press release commending our legislators for taking this first step in the reduction of the tax.

The grocery tax was not the only thing we passed in the 2023 Legislative Session. Alcohol liability reform, organized retail theft, and updated alcohol curbside regulations were also huge accomplishments this year. It is almost unheard of for an organization to pass four pieces of legislation in one session, and with the help of AGA’s Legislative Consultant, Patrick McWhorter, we conquered this feat. The AGA is also a resource for education on important industry topics. At the 2023 AGA Annual Show, we had a top national expert on grocery trends, an economist, an electric vehicle seminar, an active shooter awareness training, and a health & wellness session. Each year we identify trending industry topics on which to educate our members. How many of you could have used that information for your business?

Another unforgettable asset as a member of AGA is the Alabama Grocers Education Foundation (AGEF). Our Foundation awarded over $50,000 in scholarships this year and has awarded over $1.4 million in scholarships since its formation, a fantastic accomplishment for our industry. AGEF helps many of our colleagues in their professional development and supports our members' families through our scholarship and tuition reimbursement programs. The regulatory process is also an invaluable part of what AGA does for our members. Recently, I received a call from an operator that was acquiring a new store. They wanted to have a seamless transition on the day of closing to be able to accept the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits on day one of their acquisition. AGA was able to work with them and our partners at United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Services to make this happen. How much is it worth to your company to not have a day missed accepting SNAP? Imagine the losses your company would have incurred if you had to wait weeks for approval.

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