Welcome to the 2017 Alabama Grocers
Association Convention. As your
Chairman, I am excited to welcome
everyone back to beautiful Sandestin
Golf & Beach Resort for our 27th
Annual Convention. On behalf of the
Officers and Directors, thank you to
the members and partners for their
hard work and support in making this
year’s convention another successful
Our Convention Chairman this year is Mr. Keith Lusk.
Keith and his dedicated committee have put together a
great Business Session for Tuesday morning and have
planned some exciting nights of entertainment. Monday
night Casino Night will be a blast with some great prizes.
At the end of the night, you will be able to exchange your
winnings for raffle tickets which you can then
use to win prizes.
Also on Monday night we will have our annual Silent
Auction during the evening running along with the casino
activities. Silent Auction Chairman, Mr. Johnny Collins,
and his committee have a great selection of items to place
your bids. Please be sure to stop by the registration desk
and sign up for Mobile Bidding!
Al Del Greco, football great at Auburn University and
Radio Personality, will be our speaker for the Tuesday
night Chairman’s Banquet. Please remember this year
Tuesday night will be “Wear Your Team Colors” night.
Mr. David Bullard, our Membership Committee
Chairman, and his committee are right on target to add
54 new members to our association which will give us
over 350 members. May I say, “Great job” to David
and his committee. They have worked incredibly hard this
year to push us over the 350 mark!
Mr. Wade Payne, Legislature Chairman, and his
committee have done an excellent job on key issues
passed affecting the industry. With the effort of the
Legislative Committee and the Association staff, we were
able to finally pass ABC Regulations to allow off-premise
locations to sample beer and wine in their stores starting
August 5th. This was a huge win for our Association this
year and a special thanks goes to Mr. Pat McWhorter our
legislative consultant, and AGA President Ellie Taylor for
their dedication on working with the ABC Board to ensure
our best interest during the negotiations.
We had another successful year raising money at the
Alabama’s Food Industry Finest thanks to Harold Garrett
and his committee. Through the efforts of this Committee,
last year’s event raised over $40,000 for the Association’s
SACK PAC. We will continue this event and hopefully by
the next election cycle have over $200,000 to contribute to
elected official campaigns.
Mr. Jay Mitchell, Chairman of the Education, Benefits, and
Services Committee has worked very hard to award $60,000
in scholarships this year to many well deserving students who
are striving to further their education. We have awarded over
a million dollars in scholarships since 1992! The two golf
outings this year had a profit of over $60,000. Thank you to
all our members for their monetary donations and for
participating in the Golf Outings & Silent Auction. Please
continue to support these worthwhile events for our
children’s future. Great job to Jay and his hardworking
In closing, our Association is very blessed to continue
standing strong on its mission to promote and support the
growth and success of the food industry in the state of
Alabama through advocacy, education, public relations and
networking. This would not be possible without the hard
work of our Association President, Ellie Taylor, who is on
the forefront every day fighting for our industry.
Many thanks to the entire Association Staff for their many
hours of hard work and dedication to make our Association
and this convention great. I have enjoyed serving as your
Chairman and hope that everyone enjoys this year’s
Peter V. Gregerson, Jr.
Association Chairman
Peter V. Gregerson, Jr.
Gregerson’ s Foods
Alabama Grocers Association 2017 Annual Convention
2017 Convention Annual | Page 7