Convention Yearbook 2017_lores
Alabama Grocers Association 2017 Annual Convention
Amber Ajlouny Parent Winner Buy Lo Quality Foods
Jade Ajlouny Parent Winner Buy Lo Quality Foods
Alexander Aken Parent Winner Fresh Express
Amanda Anderson Bill Ragland Memorial Ragland Brothers Retail
Kendall Armstead Student Winner Buy Lo Quality Foods
Dakota Belue Piggly Wiggly of Red Bay Piggyback
Marcus Bush Student Winner Winn-Dixie
Maddie Casaday Parent Scholarship Dean Foods
Sarah Clark Parent Winner Hometown Market
Joseph Clark Parent Winner Mitchell Grocery Corporation
Jason Collins Parent Winner Dean Foods
Jeremy Collins Parent Winner Dean Foods
Juan Contreras Student Winner Bruce’s Foodland
Brooklyn Craig Parent Winner Hometown Market
Maxwell Crawford James L. Smotherman Memorial United Johnson Brothers of AL
Camden Cutright Parent Winner Associated Wholesale Grocers
Jacob Delaney Parent Winner Kelley Foods
Samuel Delaney Parent Winner Kelley Foods
No Photo Available
Tina DiChiara AWDA Piggyback City Wholesale Grocers
Deana Diveto Student Winner Bill and Son’s
Emi Dutton Student Winner Gateway Foods
Raven Edwards Associated Grocers of the South Piggyback
Hannah Elliott Mary Hardin Memorial Crystal Farms
Ryleigh Esco Parent Winner Milo’s Tea
Kelli Frye Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Company Piggyback
Laney Gaddis Parent Winner Bruce’s Foodland
Ansley Gross Parent Winner Mrs. Stratton’s Salads
Demarcus Joiner Student Winner Piggly Wiggly #95
Jonathon Jones John E Wilson Memorial Piggyback
Madelyn Kelley Parent Winner Kelley Foods
2017 Convention Annual | Page 37
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