
BRIONNA LANNOM HEAD CHEERLEADING COACH Brionna Lannom is beginning her second year as the head varsity football and competition cheerleading coach. She earned her Bachelor’s degree at the University of West Georgia and earned her Masters Degree in Special Education in May 2024. While at the University of West Georgia she cheered on the all-girl competitive team, football and basketball sideline cheerleading squad for 5 years, winning 2 College National Championships as a competitive cheerleader. After Graduating, she joined the coaching sta‡ at the University of West Georgia winning 6 College National Championships as a coach.

RAI PRITCHETT ASSISTANT VARSITY CHEERLEADING COACH Rai Pritchett is beginning her second year as the assistant cheerleading coach for the East Coweta High School football and competition cheerleading squads. She also serves as a Speech-Language Pathologist for Coweta County Schools. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the University of West Georgia. While at the University of West Georgia she cheered on the all-girl cheerleading team for 5 years, winning 4 College National Championships as a competitive cheerleader. She also was a member of the US National All Girl cheerleading team for 3 years. Coach Pritchett is excited to continue working with the Indians this year.


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