FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
default destination for those who simply stroll apathetically through life, failing to find the answer for the problem of sin in their lives. In my very first week as a new pastor I received a call of complaint from an over-protective mother. I brought up the issue of hell in Vacation Bible School and one of the girls present went home scared. Please understand that it’s never my practice to frighten kids, or adults for that matter. However, I don’t intend to shy away from Biblical truth either. I preach and teach about hell because Jesus talked about it, often in fact. There are three different Greek words that translate into the English word hell. Tartaros, which appears only once in the New Testament (2 Peter 2:4), “is a place of confinement for the rebellious angels until the time of their judgment.” 1 Geena , or Gehenna is rendered “hell” twelve times, eleven of which come from the lips of Jesus Himself. 2 This is a permanent place of punishment, the eternal lake of fire, the second death referred to in Revelation 20. The word used for hell in our central text for this chapter (read Luke 16:19-31) is Hades, which appears ten times in the New Testament. “It is not the final destiny of those who die having rejected Christ, but a place of torment until they are resurrected to stand before the great white throne judgment” (Revelation 20:13-15). 3 Please understand, this does not suggest a period of purgatory, or an opportunity for second chance—but rather a place where lost souls suffer in torment until permanent judgment is carried out following the millennial reign of Christ. Grasp the following truths about Hades that will no doubt carry over into Gehenna as well.
Those in hell will retain their memory of things that happened on earth, as indicated by Abraham’s words to the rich man, “Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things” (Luke 16:25). What else did the rich
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