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Faith Essentials
(Luke 12:20). Earlier in the Lord’s ministry he proclaimed , “Woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry” (Luke 6:24,25). Years ago, a policeman issued a citation to a woman in New York. When the officer handed the ticket through the lady’s window, she snapped it out of his hand and said, “You can go straight to hell!” Thus, the policeman took her to court. When the case went up for review, the judge dismissed the complaint about the woman’s language, saying, “It wasn’t a command, or a wish, but a statement of fact, for going to hell is a possibility.” 5 I don’t condone the woman’s vulgarity and also have concerns about the ruling. However, the statement is 100 per-cent on target. Going to hell is a possibility. For the rich man, it was a reality. However, it’s certainly not a necessity. Heaven, which we move on to learn more about now, is a much better alternative.
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