FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
Kings of the earth join the beast in a hopeless attempt to battle Christ on the plain of Armageddon –to no avail. The enemy will suffer a blistering defeat. Blood will flow out of the great winepress of God’s wrath, “Up to the horses’ bridles, for a distance of two hundred miles” (Revelation 14:20). Ultimately, the beast and false prophet will be thrown into a fiery lake of burning sulfur. This image of Jesus bothers some people. They would rather view Him as the gentle, pacifistic, peace lover who remained silent and turned the other cheek before his accusers. Others ask, “How could a loving God put His stamp of approval on any form of war?” Obviously, He doesn’t relish it. Yet times arise when no other choice exists. The Old Testament tells of many battles between God’s chosen and their enemies, ones in which He intervened and numerous lives were lost. Abraham, Joshua, Gideon, Saul, and David are just a few of the many who commanded soldiers in conquests over their enemies. Yet nothing to date can compare to Jesus spearheading the ultimate victory. Finally, see that Jesus will return to the earth to establish heavenly conditions , the first being the literal revelation of Himself. Currently, the Holy Spirit takes the place of the bodily presence of Jesus on this planet, since the Lord sits at the right hand of the Father. Only those He encountered during His earthly ministry and the saints in heaven have had the privilege of seeing Him up close and personal. When He comes again, however, believers throughout all ages will be in on His appearing. As John writes, “We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see him just as He is” (1 John 3:2). An African, who wore around his neck an amulet, was detained as a prisoner of war. When this charm was taken from him, he became distraught and begged that it be returned to him. He valued the lucky “GOD WITH A FACE”
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