FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Faith Essentials
One half of the world's population will be killed.
The earth will be severely damaged by man-made and natural disasters.
Earthquakes, disease, and warfare will abound.
Humanity will border on extinction.
Fortunately, this will all turn around quickly once Jesus’ millennial reign gets underway. First, the earth will undergo a physical transformation. As the Word states, “The land will be changed into a plain . . . Jerusalem will rise” (Zechariah 14:10). Societal transformation will take place as well. Jerusalem, now the most important city on earth, will experience a rise in population to go along with its increased elevation (Zechariah 14:11). Under divine protection, children will once again play in the streets as the elderly sit and visit together (Zechariah 8:4-5). God’s people will experience increased prosperity, because “The wealth of all the nations will be gathered, gold and silver garments in great abundance ” (Zechariah 14:14). Thankfully, people will continue to be saved. Scripture tells us, “So many peoples and mighty nations will come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the LORD” (Zechariah 8:22). Best of all, Jesus, now reigning on earth as King, will be worshipped as never before (Zechariah 14:16). For the past fifteen years, my church has been involved in an extensive renovation project. Although the building is basically the same structurally, we are thoroughly enjoying our elevator, new windows, sheet rocked walls (versus the old concrete blocks), fresh paint, new carpet, tile floors, brightened entrances, updated lighting, etc. Likewise, believers will enjoy a renovated earth under the millennial headship of Christ, since He’ll return not only as redeemer, but rebuilder as well.
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