FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)

Faith Essentials

Just like we were saved from the storm and still suffered loss, millions will escape the “flames of judgment,” yet rue the missed possibilities. These missed opportunities include rewards that will constitute a key element of judgment seat activity. This truth creates a spiritual paradox. Our driving motive in kingdom life should be to please God and serve others. However, Scripture teaches that believers can anticipate the following tributes, the first being praise. If you appreciate being told that you’re doing a good job and making a difference, just think what it’s going to be like hearing it from Christ. Just days before being crucified, Jesus told a parable that contains specific end time implications. Before leaving on a journey, a master gave three of his servants money—five, two and one talents respectively. While the boss was away, one servant buried his talent. The other two, however, doubled their money. The master returned and said to these two, “Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:21,23). Because the servant was faithful with a little, he was given authority over a lot. This clearly indicates the possibility in eternity for increased responsibility . Perhaps you’re thinking, “I want less responsibility, not more. I figured heaven would be one big “kick back and relax” experience. After all, I’m tired.” I know how you feel. I’m tired too. But remember, we’re tired because of the sinful conditions in which we live. Work became tedious and tiresome after the Fall. In the new creation, with the curse removed, Eden-like conditions will prevail. “We will enjoy the responsibility God gives us, but the degree of fulfillment we experience will depend upon our faithfulness to Christ in this life.” 3 “WELL DONE”


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