FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
2000 years ago. Since He died, rose and ascended to His original home, the Holy Spirit has represented the Trinity on earth (John 16:7). As detailed in chapter 15, Christ will return at the end of the great tribulation. And then, God Himself will come to live among us at the conclusion of the millennium and culmination of the end times. Gloriously and finally, we shall see His face (Revelation 22:4). Being with God up close and personal will facilitate worship like none we’ve ever experienced. Old earth worship is often too categorized, scrutinized and individualized—emphasizing style at the expense of substance. Yet, the unprecedented, untainted praise I described in chapter 14 will carry over from heaven to the new earth. I’ve had men in my church return from stadium ministry events raving about the chill bumps they get when tens of thousands join in song. Just think what it’s going to be like in a choir in the millions, with the Holy Trinity personally present –and angels joining in. Please don’t confuse this endless adoration with total absorption. I’ve seen moms and dads so absorbed in their children that nothing else seems to matter. People become so devoured by their jobs that everything else falls apart. And while it’s true that we, along with the rest of the saints and angels, will be worshipping God forever and ever, that’s not all we’ll be doing. For example, the new earth will include such normal activities as eating, drinking and resting . Remember, this chapter’s central text tells of feeding from the tree of life. The fact that end times are associated with a great wedding feast tells me that many other delicacies await. If you doubt that our glorified bodies will require food, recall that the risen Jesus ate breakfast with His disciples along the shore of the Sea of Galilee (John 21:12). One of my favorite verses to use at funerals says, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes,” says the Spirit “they will rest ADORATION WITHOUT ABSORPTION
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