FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
Allen Emery, a dear friend of Billy Graham’s, had an experience as a young boy which made a deep impression upon him. His father received a call saying a well-known Christian had been found at a certain place drunk on the sidewalk. Immediately his father sent his limousine to pick the man up, while his mother prepared the best guest room. Allan watched wide-eyed, as the beautiful coverlets were turned down on the exquisite, old four-poster bed, revealing the monogrammed sheets. "But, Mother," he protested, "he's drunk. He might even get sick." "I know," his mother replied kindly, "but this man has slipped and fallen. When he comes to, he will be so ashamed. He will need all the loving encouragement we can give him." 5 People make mistakes, have bad days, and often fail to meet up to our expectations. This hits hardest when they are the ones we love the most. On those occasions, we must respond with kindness and forgiveness, rather than being critical and judgmental. We have a saying around our house that applies to dealing with difficult circumstances, especially cantankerous people: Reach way down deep. When that vertical relationship with God is in place, you can “reach way down deep” and tap into a source that only God can provide. So, there you have them, 19 Faith ESSENTIALS . I’m sure the list is incomplete. You’ve probably thought of others you would add. It is my fervent prayer, however, that they’ve helped to get you started, reset, or reassured in your walk with Christ.
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