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Faith Essentials

flock (Genesis 4:3-5). Both instances, of course, point toward Jesus’ provision of blood and loss of life at Calvary.


I must now ask the question posed to the man on that fateful day in the garden, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9). Are you modeling Adam by sewing fig leaves together, fabricating a shallow, temporary cover- up for guilt and shame? That’s an extremely risky venture, since the Bible says, “In Adam all die.” The good news is, the second half of that verse promises that, “In Christ, all will be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22). We are made alive by the freedom and covering that only His blood provides. As Scripture confirms, “If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). I once picked up a magazine at a local health club that described how I could locate and purchase my own little piece of paradise. I probed further to discover Bottle Cay in the Bahamas, a gorgeous, ten-acre island complete with cottage, rainwater well, and windmill—all for a mere $800,000. 6 Just like Adam and Eve before the fall, I plan to enjoy real paradise someday. Only it’ll be much bigger than a few measly acres, void of concrete parking lots, and it won’t cost a thing. God already paid for it, as you’ll discover more clearly in the next chapter to come.


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