FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
be a preacher. The directive came from God, through the working of the Holy Spirit. Several years later, I experienced an ordination service at my first church. Several men, some whom I had known all my life, came and laid their hands on me. There was nothing magical or mysterious about this. It was simply the Holy Spirit’s way of placing His stamp of approval on my call and commending me for service. Are you experiencing restlessness in your soul as you read these words? Perhaps the Holy Spirit is nudging you toward a fresh assignment. Be open and obedient to His leading as extreme fulfillment is there to be received. Observe also, the Spirit fills. Why must a person be filled when the Holy Spirit has already come into our life when saved? For at least two reasons: Scripture commands it— As Scripture states, “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). Paul wrote these words to believers, which means they already possessed the Holy Spirit. Yet the baptism of the Spirit is positional rather than conditional. He becomes a resident at the point of conversion, but that shouldn’t be our ultimate aspiration. It’s certainly not His. He would like to rise from occupant to head of the household, but can’t do so without our cooperation. God initiates the baptism of the Spirit though the process of conviction and revelation. However, we as believers initiate His filling through confession, obedience and desire. Life demands it— When asked why He continually stressed the need to be filled with the Spirit, the famed evangelist D.L. Moody responded, “Because I leak.” 4 Let’s face it, life is tough. Living in enemy occupied territory on this fallen planet, we need all the help “BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT”
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