FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
Jesus included petitions when communicating with His Father, voicing in the Model prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). On the eve of the crucifixion, He prayed, “Father, glorify Me together with yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was” (John 17:5). Jesus was the recipient of numerous petitions as well. A man covered with leprosy pleaded with Him: “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean” (Luke 5:12). Ten men suffering with the same condition cried out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” (Luke 17:13). A blind man in Jericho called out, “Lord, I want to regain my sight” (Luke 18:41). All the above received the healing for which they petitioned. There’s certainly nothing selfish or presumptuous about praying for yourself as long as you’re willing to line up your will with God’s will for your life. As the Bible says, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). Understanding that it is not a monologue to God, but rather a dialogue with Him, consider the sixth and final facet of prayer— listening . This is the most neglected, yet potentially most precious part of prayer. After all, what could be better than hearing from God? Like young Samuel, when God has a message for us, we should respond with, “Speak, for Your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10), Isaiah penned, “He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple” (Isaiah 50:4). One Wednesday night my wife wasn’t feeling well and said she probably wouldn’t make it to choir practice. Yet later, as I was walking down the hall near the music room, I heard her singing. That can’t be her , I thought, I wasn’t expecting her to come. When I walked out in the parking lot, there sat her car. After three plus decades of being together, I easily recognize her voice. In the same way, the “SPEAK FOR YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING.”
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