FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)

Faith Essentials

responders, assisting the schools, doing neighborhood cleanup, and of course, sharing the Gospel. At the same time, opportunities for regional and overseas projects should be explored and made available. And if your church can serve by helping start a new congregation—whether through a plant, mission, or additional campus, that makes it all the better. Worship— One word of warning, don’t get so caught up in the work that you forget the One behind it all. All of the above are vitally important, yet we must always remember that God is to be the object of our devotion. Sometimes we get so stoked by doing, that we neglect the importance of being. Gathering on a regular basis with God’s people for corporate worship helps us keep that proper perspective . David, who said, “Zeal for your house consumes me,” also wrote, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord’” (Psalm 69:9, 122:1). The King, “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14), loved the LORD deeply and enjoyed nothing more than assembling with His people in humble praise and adoration.

All his life, Old Bill had never gone to church; no matter how much he was coaxed, he could never be persuaded to attend even on Christmas and Easter. "When it freezes in June ," he would say, "then I will go to church." One year it was unusually cold and stayed that way until late spring. The first part of June the mercury dipped to freezing for several nights. Everyone thought about Old Bill and what he had said. Perhaps this spell of cold weather would force him to attend church. It did! One Sunday Old Bill made his first appearance in the meeting house—while the organ played softly— six men carried him in !

If you’re a part of a local church family, attend as often as you can and serve in any way you can. If not, don’t be like Old Bill and wait till you can’t enjoy the experience. 4


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