FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
accountability, and therefore have no awareness of sin and God’s plan of salvation. Jewish babies, including Jesus, were circumcised according to the law at eight days of age (Leviticus 12:3, Luke 2:27). Hannah dedicated Samuel to the LORD at the Temple after she had weaned him. However, water was not a part of either occasion. We dedicate babies at our church, as do most evangelical congregations. It is one of the most beautiful and meaningful events that takes place throughout the year, especially for the participating families. Even if water is part of the ceremony, I see nothing wrong with that, if it is viewed as a dedication service and not the true believer’s baptism. Adult conversion— Countless believers made decisions, walked the aisle, joined the church, and got baptized as children, yet didn’t experience true conversion until years later, often as adults. This issue is especially near and dear to my heart because I am one of these. I was a lost church member for 14 years and a non-baptized believer for six years after that. I was a husband, father, and seminary graduate before properly settling this. Like salvation, baptism is a one-time event. Although some people feel the need to repeat the process after a rededication or renewed commitment, it’s not necessary. However, one needs to “get the order right” and get baptized if they’ve never done so or be if they experience true conversion later in life. Understand next, that baptism is an act of obedience . Some denominations teach that going into the water actually saves a person, but like infant baptism, this too is biblically incorrect. Salvation comes, not by works, but as a gift. Nothing we do, including baptism, can save us. Only the shed blood of Christ can wash away our sins (1 John 1:7). The repentant thief on the cross was never baptized, yet he joined Jesus in paradise immediately upon his death.
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