FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)

Faith Essentials

His obedient, humble, self-emptying Son was about to fulfill a plan of redemption set in motion before the foundation of the world. Obviously, Christ wasn’t baptized to depict forgiveness of sin. So why did He do it? In addition to forming a connection with the “forerunner” John the Baptist, He provided an example, affirmed His humanity and played a part in displaying the unification of the Triune God. Note next that baptism is by immersion. The word baptize , which means “to immerse,” is taken directly from the Greek. At that time, in the marketplace, it was a word used when cloth was submerged in dye to make it a different color, or vegetables being immersed in vinegar to produce pickles. I’ve seen the 15 th Century Piero painting in which John the Baptist pours a bowl of water over the head of Jesus. Yet the Bible says, “coming up out of the water, He (Jesus) saw the heavens opening” (Mark 1:10). Later, “John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was much water there” (John 3:23). I still view this as a matter of interpretation. I believe the Bible teaches immersion but it’s not a Gospel game-changer. I sprinkled a lady in a nursing home once who could not be immersed because of physical limitations. There will be believers in Heaven who have been sprinkled, as well as those not baptized at all. Understand also that baptism is an ordinance of the church. “An ordinance is a command to be obeyed. It works no grace or special spiritual operation. The two ordinances of the church (baptism and Lord’s Supper) are visible enactments of the Gospel message that Christ lived, died, was raised from the dead, ascended to heaven, and will someday return. Put simply, the church ordinances are visual aids to help us better understand and appreciate what Jesus Christ accomplished for us in His redemptive work.” 1 To be characterized as a New Testament church ordinance, a practice must be instituted by Christ (Matthew 28:19-20), taught by the apostles (Romans 6:3-4, Acts 19:1-5), and practiced by the


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