FBCD_FaithEssentials_Interior (2)
Todd Gaddis
I can think of many safer and more responsible things to do with money besides eating it; such as spending it, saving it, and giving it away. Eighteenth century theologian and Methodist founder John Wesley once preached a sermon on the use of riches. His first point was "Earn all you can." An old miser sitting in the congregation nudged his neighbor and whispered, "I never heard preaching the like of that before. Yon man has good things in him." Then Wesley went on to denounce thriftlessness and waste and said, "Save all you can." The lover of money rubbed his hands together in glee and thought that with all the wealth he had piled up, he was certainly on the right track. But then Wesley made his last point with emphasis, " Give all you can! " The old miser was beside himself with despair, "Aw dear, aw dear," he exclaimed aloud, "now he's gone and spoiled it all! 1 Unfortunately, such feelings concerning money prevail today, even in our Christian circles. Thankfully, the Bible says a great deal about the subject. A key example appears in one of Paul’s letters to the church at Corinth. After reading the text in 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, note carefully the following four misconceptions about giving. First, you’ve got to have extra money to be a giver. I’ve heard people say, “I just wish I earned more money, so I’d have some to give away." The truth is, if you don’t give when you have a little, you probably won’t if you get a lot. Churches and other religious entities throughout the world receive their primary support from ordinary people, many living paycheck to paycheck. That was certainly the case with the Macedonian churches Paul writes about, who despite their poverty and affliction, gave “beyond their ability” (2 Corinthians 8:3). Jesus, who often spoke about this issue, sat in the temple watching rich people put large amounts of money into the treasury, when a poor widow walked up and gave two small coins worth a cent. "BEYOND THEIR ABILITY"
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