
Faith Essentials

from their labor . . .” (Revelation 14:13, emphasis added). I believe this rest will include sleep. Presumably, Adam and Eve slept before the fall. There’s no reason to doubt that it will be enjoyed on the new earth. A skeptic might ask, “Why should we sleep when we won’t get fatigued from working?” On the contrary, I believe we will grow tired because we will be working— it just won’t seem like the cursed, old world labor just mentioned. Adam and Eve “worked” in Eden prior to the fall (Genesis 2:15). In the parable of the talents, the faithful who doubled their money were promised more responsibility in the afterlife (Matthew 25:21,23). Obviously, responsibility implies service and service implies work. Scripture says that servants of the Lamb will serve Him on the new earth (Revelation 22:3). Finally, I contend that our world to come will include fellowshipping, traveling and learning—enjoying every aspect of the new heavens and earth. In addition to our adoration of God, we will enjoy fellowship with our fellow believers. There won’t be wedlock in heaven (Matthew 22:30), because holy matrimony is an old earth institution superseded by the marriage of the Church and the Lamb. Having said that, I still believe we’ll enjoy stronger relationships with spouses, children, parents, siblings and other extended family. Although it sounds confusing and contradictory, it’s a mystery that will be cleared up in the world to come. Whatever the case, don’t fret about it. “God usually doesn’t replace his original creation, but when he does, he replaces it with something that is far better, never worse.” 5 This perfect fellowship will extend beyond families and into friendships. We’ll become even closer to friends in the life to come that we’ve made in this one. And to think, this will happen in the absence of jealousy, cliques, conflict, etc. Will animals be present? Why not? If they existed before the fall, they’ll be there in the new paradise. This doesn’t mean we’ll be


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