
Faith Essentials

the night, he said, “My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths and they have not harmed me” (Daniel 3:25, 6:22). This account begs the question: Do each of us have a guardian angel to protect us from harm on this fallen earth? After all, the Bible does say, “He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11). Jesus challenged His listeners to take special care of little children, indicating they have angels in heaven watching over them (Matthew 18:11). Obviously, God stands ready to provide and protect us with angels, yet nowhere in Scripture does it say that every person has a personal angel at their disposal. Understand, as well, that angels carry out God’s judgment . This can come as a surprise to those who perceive them as the sweet, chubby little figurines that perch on bookshelves. Yet, often in Scripture they serve in a militant capacity. Michael, whose name means “who is like God,” is the most prominent warrior angel in the Bible. He led the divine forces to wage war and defeat Satan and his henchmen when they were thrown out of Heaven (Revelation 12: 7-8). When an angel was prevented by a demon from delivering a message to Daniel, God sent Michael to defeat the foe. Later in that same book, we learn that Michael stands ready to do battle against God’s enemies at the end of time (Daniel 10:13, 12:1). Although named and most notable, Michael wasn’t the only warrior angel in Scripture. During the reign of King Hezekiah, an “angel of the LORD” went out and killed 185,000 enemy soldiers (2 Kings 19:35). When King David defied God, and numbered his troops, God sent a pestilence that killed 70,000 men of Israel. On top of that, the same “angel of the Lord” that killed the Assyrians stood ready to destroy the city of Jerusalem. Only after the King’s plea for mercy did God accept David’s sacrifice and relent (1 Chronicles “WHO IS LIKE GOD”


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