FromNowUntilForeverBook8.5x5.5 REV.indd

from now on.Yes, says the Spirit ‘they will rest from their labor . . .” (Revelation 14:13).Whereas I included this in relation to heav- en, there’s every reason to believe it describes the new earth as well. Presumably, Adam and Eve slept before the Fall. A skeptic might ask, “Why should we sleep when we won’t get fatigued from working?” On the contrary, I believe we will grow tired because we will be working— it just won’t seem like the cursed, old world labor just mentioned. Adam and Eve “worked” in Eden prior to the fall (Genesis 2:15). In the parable of the talents, the faithful who doubled their money were promised more responsibility in the afterlife (Matthew 25:21,23). Obviously, responsibility implies service and service implies work. Scripture says that servants of the Lamb will serve Him on the new earth (Revelation 22:3). Finally, I contend that our world to come will include fellowshipping, traveling, and learning; enjoying every aspect of the new heaven and earth. Such adoration will not only be shared with God, but also with others as well. There won’t be wedlock in heaven (Matthew 22:30), because holy matrimony is an old earth institution superseded by the marriage of the Church and the Lamb. Having said that, I still believe we’ll enjoy stronger relationships with spouses, chil- dren, parents, siblings, extended family, and many more.We’ll become even closer to friends in the life to come than with the ones we’ve made in this one. And to think, this will happen in the absence of jealousy, cliques, conflict, and other issues. Although this may sound a little quirky and confusing to some, it’s a mystery that will be cleared up in the world to come.Whatever the case, don’t fret about it. “God usual- ly doesn’t replace his original creation, but when he does, he replaces it with something that is far better, never worse.” 665


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